3 Risks Every Small Business Owner Needs to Know

Do you own a small business? While operating your own company can be immensely fulfilling, it does come with a few extra risks. Here are three risks every small business owner needs to know and ways insurance can help.

Risk #1: Property Damage

Just like with your home and personal auto, property damage can happen at any time. Protect your business against fire, theft, vandalism, and other unfortunate incidents by having appropriate insurance coverage. Most business policies include a layer of coverage for your office or storefront location, while a commercial vehicle policy can help insure company cars against damage.

Risk #2: Injuries to Workers and Customers

Another important risk for small businesses to consider is injury to either worker or customers.  Sometimes accidents happen where a visitor to your location slips, falls, or is otherwise involved in an accident. In certain cases, your employee may even be the one who is hurt.

These injury scenarios actually fall into two categories: worker’s compensation insurance and liability coverage. A worker’s compensation policy is often required by law and takes care of your staff’s medical bills and other associated costs if they are injured while on the job. Liability insurance covers claims where your customer is injured. Both are two key policies to have if you own a small business.

Risk #3: Other Liability Issues

Another risk to look out for when you own a small business is other liability issues. While a liability policy does cover customer injury, it also encompasses many other types of incidents. For some companies, this can be a simple accident where a client’s home is damaged while your crew is working nearby or a situation where someone claims a product you made caused them harm.

The exact extent of liability risk greatly depends on the industry you are in and the tasks your firm is engaged in. Thus, there are a wide range of different liability policies available to help you find the one that meets your needs the best.

So, how do you know which commercial insurance policies cover the risks of your small business? Speak with one of our dedicated team members as Colling Insurance Services, Inc. We will sit down and review the details with you to determine your exact needs.



Myth: Lakewood Myths You Need to Know About

Investing in life insurance is a wise choice, especially for people who have lots of dependents. Life insurance funds can be used in any way that a beneficiary wants, including paying off a mortgage, covering funeral expenses, moving to a new home, etc. If you are considering investing in a life insurance plan, make sure to first speak with a qualified agent serving the Lakewood area at Colling Insurance Services Inc. Also, make sure that you don’t fall victim to either of these life insurance myths. 

Myth #1: Only people who have children need life insurance

Children are a great reason to invest in life insurance because the funds can be used to pay for their college tuition, to buy a home, and it can be spent in many other ways. Still yet, though, even if you don’t have children, there’s still a chance that you might want to invest in life insurance. If you have a spouse who depends on you for financial support, then life insurance is of the utmost importance. The primary purpose of investing in this type of insurance vehicle is to ensure that your beneficiaries can maintain their same standard of living once you pass away. 

Myth #2: Life insurance doesn’t make for a good investment

When investing in term life insurance, many people think that they are wasting their money because there’s always the chance that the policyholder won’t pass away during the predetermined number of years that the policy is created for. Still yet, though, life insurance is a great investment when invested properly. The best way to make sure you invest in a policy that makes for a good investment is by speaking with a qualified agent serving the Lakewood from Colling Insurance Services. 


Stay Safe When Carving Pumpkins with Friends

Carving pumpkins and lighting jack-o-lanterns is a longstanding Halloween tradition. On the night of October 31, orange globes illuminate yards, walkways and homes. Every year, though, there are accidents associated with jack-o-lanterns. At Colling Insurance Services, we want to remind everyone who will be carving a pumpkin this year to do so safely, and we’ve compiled a few tips to help keep you, your family, and your friends from having a mishap.

Jack-O-Lantern Safety

Carving a pumpkin shouldn’t be any more dangerous than cutting up a squash for dinner. After all, pumpkins are just big squashes. Often however, people aren’t as cautious when they’re carving a pumpkin as when they’re chopping on the kitchen counter. Remember to pay attention to what you’re doing when carving a pumpkin, and to:

  • never use a knife while intoxicated
  • supervise children when they’re carving
  • avoid placing finished jack-o-lanterns where people will walk
  • illuminate jack-o-lanterns with lights rather than candles

The latter two suggestions won’t keep anyone from cutting themselves, but they can help reduce the risk of tripping or starting a fire.

Home Insurance Coverages

Before making the first cut into a pumpkin, you may want to review your home insurance coverages. Your homeowners insurance’s liability coverage may cover accidents related to pumpkin carving, and its fire protection might cover fires started by candles in jack-o-lanterns. Whether its coverages will provide protection in these types of scenarios will depend on your policy’s terms and conditions, and the incident.

For help determining what types of accidents your homeowners insurance covers, contact us. Our agents are licensed to help residents of Colorado with their insurance needs, so they can help you with your homeowners insurance if you live in Lakewood, CO. To get in touch with them, send us a message online.



What Type of Health Insurance Is Best for College Students?

Much like everyone else, college student must maintain health insurance coverage in order to avoid paying a penalty. More importantly, college students must maintain health insurance to ensure they have access to healthcare when they need it. Unfortunately, understanding what’s available can be challenging for anyone who isn’t familiar with health insurance. The following are a few options college students should consider in order to determine the best option for healthcare insurance.

Continuing on Their Parent’s Insurance

One of the cheapest options for healthcare coverage for students is remaining on their parent’s insurance. Most of the time, college students have the option of remaining on their parent’s insurance coverage while they are in school until they reach the age of 26. Marriage, living at another address, and the ability to enroll in an employer’s plan doesn’t disqualify college students from remaining on their parent’s insurance.

A Student’s Health Plan

Most colleges understand the importance of offering their students a discount health plan. With the ability to reduce the cost of care, many college students will get the treatment they need and reduce the transmission of infectious diseases. Most colleges partner with health insurance companies to offer their student’s an affordable health insurance plan.

Purchasing a Health Plan in the Marketplace

The Affordable Care Act makes it easy for college students to purchase health insurance, as well. Most college students who purchase healthcare do so during open enrollment; however, there are qualifying events that allow college students to get coverage outside of enrollment dates, including:

  • Getting married
  • Having a baby
  • Adopting a child
  • Gaining citizenship

In most cases, qualifying events allow students to enroll for coverage.

Purchasing Health Insurance from an Insurance Company

Insurance companies are a great option when it comes to purchasing health insurance coverage. Most insurance companies offer insurance from many different companies, allowing college students to choose between competitively priced coverage options.

College students around Lakewood, CO who are interested in getting more information about the types of coverage options Colling Insurance Services Inc. offers should give us a call.

Sinking Porch: Will My Homeowners Insurance Cover Repairs or Replacement?

Sinking Porch: Will My Homeowners Insurance Cover Repairs or Replacement?

Colorado has something to offer everyone, whether you’re a skier who could spend all day and evening at Vail or someone who would rather spend your day and evening shopping till you drop at the Cherry Creek Shopping Center.

Unfortunately, with all that snow comes some flooding and wet soil during the spring months. This can damage the foundation of your house and actually cause your foundation and porch to start to sink.

When you purchase homeowners insurance, most people do not read the fine print nor do they ask if their policy covers sinking foundation or a sinking porch. The answer to those questions is generally no, but there are a few exceptions.

Why Does My Homeowners Policy Only Cover Certain Causes for a Sinking Porch or Foundation?

Even though your foundation and porch are part of your house, if they start to sink, they are usually not covered under your homeowner’s policy because of the reasons why they sink, including:

  • Flooding
  • Drought
  • Wet soil
  • Dry soil

In addition, homeowners insurance does not cover the following:

  • Shrinking or expanding foundations
  • Cracked walls
  • Cracked ceilings or floors
  • Driveways, walkways, or fences that become damaged

When Will Homeowners Insurance Cover a Sinking Foundation or Porch?

  • Burst pipes
  • Underground mines that cause damage to your foundation
  • Underground drains and state or city owned sewage lines that cause damage to your home

Although, Colorado is not a state that is prone to earthquakes, you can purchase a separate rider that will cover the cost of foundation and porch repairs and replacement. Of course, the damage has to have been caused by an earthquake for the insurance to pay for it.

On the other hand, Colorado is prone to flooding, therefore a separate policy for flooding is highly recommended and will cover the cost of any repairs or replacement to your sinking foundation or porch caused by the flooding.

The law requires that everyone have homeowners insurance if you have a mortgage auto insurance coverage. However, you can easily work with your Colling Insurance Services agent to work out additional coverage that will provide even more protection when disaster strikes!




4 Ways To Keep Your Dog Safe In The Summer Months

When you live in Lakewood, there are many ways for you to keep your dog safe during the summer months. You are dealing with more heat and more bugs than any other times of the year. By knowing the best ways to keep your dog safe, you can keep him healthier and happier as well.

Protect the Paws

The paws of your dog need to be protected at all times, particularly when you are walking your dog along hot concrete or pavement. Just as you don’t want to walk around outside on the hot concrete, your dog doesn’t either! Protect the paws using adhesive paw pads or specially fitted booties based on the breed you have.

Provide Lots of Water

Your dog needs to have lots of water, especially during the summer. If you leave your dog outside, be sure that he has access to water. Even indoors, your dog needs water – and throwing in some ice cubes can help as well.

Prevention Medication

Talk to your vet and get your dog on prevention medication for heartworm, fleas, and ticks. The summer is when the bugs are out and you want to make sure your dog does not get sick.

Life Vest

Your dog can be the best swimmer in the world, but when you are boating, you never know what is going to happen. It is best to put a life vest on your dog, and make sure that it is going to fit properly. Be conscious of your dog’s weight and girth when choosing a life vest. Especially if you are in the ocean, waves and other details can prevent your dog from swimming as well as he can in a pool or lake.

At Colling Insurance services Inc. we look forward to helping you protect your home and everything and everyone inside of it. Call today and learn more about how to get affordable home insurance in Lakewood.


Tips for Teens for Driving in Foggy Weather

Teens often get very excited when it comes to getting their driving permit. And while preparing teens for driving in harsh weather can sometimes be difficult, you can’t control the weather. It never hurts to get out and about and practice with them when the weather gets rough. If you’re considering teaching your teen how to drive in the fog, you’ll definitely want to keep the following tips in mind.

Use Windshield Wipers

Fog is moisture in the air, and it will stick to the windshield. This is why you should instruct your teen to always use wipers in the fog. Not only will this help your teen to see better out of the windshield, but it also helps prevent glare from any oncoming traffic. 

Understand How the Lights Work

Many newer cars come standard with daytime running lamps, and while these lights can prove to be of the utmost value during the day and at night, they don’t control a driver’s tail lights. Keeping this in mind, if your teen’s car has daytime running lamps, make sure you tell them that they will need to manually turn on the headlights to ensure the tail lights are lit in the foggy weather. 

Slow Down

The number one tip your teen needs to be following is to slow down in foggy weather. Even if it’s daylight outside, it can be extremely difficult to drive in fog, especially when it blocks the driver’s view from seeing oncoming traffic. If it’s extremely foggy, your teen should be doing well below the speed limit, preferably at least 10 to 20 mph slower than what the speed limit is. 

To learn more about driving in foggy weather, contact Colling Insurance Services Inc. today. 

Home Cleaning Hacks for the Savvy Homeowner

Owning a home in Colorado comes with a whole new set of responsibilities to tackle. It’s important to make sure your home looks great and that it’s protected with affordable and comprehensive coverage from your independent insurance agents at Colling Insurance Services, Inc. Keep your home looking its best with the help of these simple and easy home cleaning hacks. 

Top 5 Cleaning Hacks for the Savvy Homeowner

1. Use lemons and Kosher salt to clean your cutting boards and stop leaving potentially harsh chemicals behind. Lay down a layer of Kosher salt, cut a lemon in half, and brush the lemon cut side down along the salt. After a few minutes of vigorous rubbing simply rinse the cutting board with water and leave to air dry. 

2. Old pillow cases are prefect for cleaning ceiling fan blades quickly. Simply hook an old pillow case over one blade at a time and carefully wipe backwards. As you pull it back towards you the fabric will wipe away any dust and safely store it inside the pocket.

3. A squeegee works wonders to remove pet hair from carpets, unlike a regular vacuum. All you need to do is brush it along the carpet with a firm grip and watch the hair pile up neatly.

4. Regular white chalk is great for eliminating grease stains on clothing, walls, and furniture. Cover the greasy area with a bit of chalk and let it sit for a few minutes before wiping it away with a damp cloth and you’ll be amazed at the results.

5. Your average lint roller can do much more than freshen your clothes before you leave the house. Use them to quickly clean hair, dander, and other debris off lamp shades and other smaller items around the house.

Make sure that your home and its content are protected with a Colorado homeowners’ insurance policy. Call us today to find out more information! 

How to Stay Awake on the Road

When you’re driving in Lakewood, CO or anywhere else, you want to make sure you are as alert as possible. It can be difficult if you have been working long hours or have spent too much time on the road already. The good news is that there are tips to help you stay more alert and focused as you continue to drive.

Approximately 100,000 police reported crashes occur in the United States every year because of people driving while drowsy and it has been estimated that around 37 percent of drivers have fallen asleep at one point or another while driving.

The best thing to do is acknowledge that you are too tired to drive before you even get behind the wheel. Ask someone else to drive or call a taxi to take you to where you need to go. It is much better to spend the money on alternative transportation or be late getting home than to get into an accident that is your fault because you fell asleep while driving.

Follow these tips to be more alert:

  • Don’t drive on the road for more than three hours at a time without stopping
  • Drive with a partner or passenger
  • Sing along to music to keep you more awake and focused

Auto insurance is of the utmost importance and you want to make sure you have the policy that’s right for you. At Colling Insurance we are going to work with you to find a policy by working with many insurance companies that are licensed to issue within the state of Colorado.

Call today and let us find the best policy. You can then be sure you are going to be well protected while on the roads – and you can make sure you are being the best driver by staying more alert.


What Form Should Your Lakewood, Colorado Insurance Take?

Those who live and work in the Lakewood, Colorado area have lots of choices. Belmar, Colorado Mills and other areas provide plenty of shopping options. Dining options are diverse, including Lakewood’s Casa Bonita, which was featured in an episode of South Park. As the fifth most populated city in the state, Lakewood has a lot to choose from.

If you have a business in Lakewood, you have choices as well. You have choices of suppliers, where and when to advertise, who to hire and what hours to keep. You also have the power to choose to shop locally. That is a choice we would encourage from not only consumers, but of business owners. When we shop locally we are supporting our schools, our local government services and our friends and neighbors. It’s just good business.

Another choice you have as a business is what type of commercial insurance you should carry. Two main forms of property insurance are Basic and Special Form. So what are the differences between Basic Form vs Special Form? Let’s take a quick look.

When you purchase Basic Form insurance your specific coverage is spelled out in the policy. It will state exactly what is covered. If it is not mentioned, it is not covered. Special Form assumes all perils to your property are covered unless they are specifically excluded. Because Special Form insurance is more encompassing, many businesses seem to prefer it.

If you have questions about your commercial insurance, we would be glad to help. Colling Insurance Services is a local, independent insurance agency. That gives us the ability to seek the best coverage and rates for our clients. We would like to count you among them.

Visit our website for a free, no obligation, comparative quote on your homeowners and auto insurance. If you would like us to quote your business insurance, please contact us. We look forward to serving your Lakewood area business.