How to Maximize Your Workers’ Compensation Benefits

If you have an illness or injury related to your job, workers’ compensation benefits may be available to financially assist you and pay for your medical care associated with the condition. To make sure you get the most from your benefits, our team at Colling Insurance Services Inc. in Lakewood, CO offers the following advice.

Inform Your Employer Immediately

If you suffer an injury on the job, tell your employer ASAP. Waiting can raise red flags that result in the denial of compensation. Most employers have a form for you to fill out, which can be obtained from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Get medical care right away and retain copies of everything.

File Your Workers’ Comp Claim Right Away

Telling your employer about your injury is just the first step. You must also file a workers’ compensation claim to get a caseworker to process your claim. You may be entitled to coverage for medical costs and lost wages. An independent media exam will be conducted by a doctor your employer works with. The doctor will give you an impairment rating after an exam. The rating you are given will qualify you for temporary or permanent disability benefits depending on the severity of the injury.

Be Transparent and Consistent

When filling out forms or making statements to your job or medical provider, communicate honestly and clearly. Be specific about the incident and any pain or injuries resulting from it. Changing the story or keeping information to yourself can result in claims denial, which can be detrimental to your case.

Have an Attorney For Guidance

It is important to get someone on your side legally to give you advice and fight for your rights. Our agents at Colling Insurance Services, Inc. in Lakewood, CO, can help you retain a qualified lawyer. Contact us today with questions and to schedule a consultation.