Living in Lakewood, Colorado does not mean you have to spend a lot of money on your car insurance. If you look at your current insurance policy you will find that there is a section that lists out all of the discounts being applied to the premium. There is the good driver discount, good student discount and even a garaging discount that saves you money. One discount that you should be looking for is the multi-policy discount.
The Multi-policy Discount
There are several key factors that this discount has that are designed to save you money on your car policy.
- By combining both the auto and the home policies you will save up to 10 percent to 20 percent off your car insurance policy. Some insurance providers also may take an amount off the home policy. You will have to check with your independent agent to find out where you are saving the most money.
- The home part of the discount can either be a condo policy, home policy or even a renter’s policy. A home is simply where you live. Your agent will be able to help you determine which home insurance product is right for you.
- If you have not bought a home product because you rent and you think your rate might be too expensive, you should get a quote. Sometimes the discount of the multi-policy discount is enough to pay for the cost of a renter’s insurance policy.
- An important key factor to this kind of discount is that both the home and the auto policy should be listed with the same company. An agent will need to have both the home and auto in order to give you this special discount.