Category Archives: Insurance

Can I insure my boat or watercraft for use year-round in Lakewood, CO?

You can insure your boat or watercraft for use year-round in Lakewood, Colorado. Although many people only use their boats for a few months out of the year, those people who enjoy boating all year will need to make sure their coverage will take care of their needs. An independent agent will explain if you need additional insurance coverage with your homeowner’s policy.

Your boat or watercraft insurance coverage should include physical damage, medical payments, total loss replacement, personal property and possibly towing and assistance, trailer coverage, and if you own an expensive boat – you may need high liability limits. Replacement cost for your boat and trailer is also important in Colorado. If your watercraft is damaged or stolen, you will want to replace it as soon as possible. If you do not have replacement coverage, you may only be able to claim a lesser amount than what it will cost to actually replace the unit. If you are planning to insure your boat or watercraft year-round, you will probably also want to save some money.

Speak with our independent agent about how to save money on your insurance plan. Often you can purchase a policy with a multiple property discount. If you have special safety features installed on your boat you may also be able to save some money. If you are willing to have the premium drafted from your bank account, this may also save you some money. We can compare several insurance providers in Colorado and find rates and quotes that will fit your budget. Keeping insurance on your watercraft year-round does not have to break the budget. You can enjoy your boat every month of the year with a little prior planning and a great insurance plan. Call us today.

In Lakewood, CO How Much RV Insurance Coverage Should I Carry?

Finding the right RV insurance policy in Lakewood, Colorado can seem challenging if it is your first Rover if you are not sure about the options that are available. Depending on your situation and your concerns, the appropriate amount of coverage may vary.

Cost of Replacing the Vehicle

A good rule of thumb if you are worried about the loss of property, damage from a storm or any other situation that may result in damage to your RV is to insure it with enough protection to replace the vehicle. By using the cost of replacing the vehicle as a good rule of thumb, you can avoid complicated calculations and feel confident that damages to your vehicle are covered.

Protecting Personal Belongings

Another reason that it is a good idea to purchase enough insurance to replace the entire RV if an accident occurs is related to the personal belongings. Even if you do not need to replace the vehicle, you may need to purchase personal belongings that are damaged or stolen.

The coverage will help protect against theft, damages or the loss of personal belongings if you have an appropriate amount. Depending on the items in your RV, you may or may not need protection for your belongings. If you do not have expensive belongings, then you may not need as much coverage for your vehicle.

The details of any insurance policy will depend on your goals, how you plan to use the vehicle and your personal concerns. Depending on your concerns, you may need full coverage or you may only want basic liability and personal injury protection. Contact us to talk to an independent agent to learn more about your coverage options and to find an appropriate policy based on your goals.

In Lakewood, Colorado, What type of losses does an All-risk boat insurance policy cover?

If you’re living in Lakewood, Colorado and you have a boat, you know you need the proper boat insurance. Getting an all-risk policy can help protect you against a variety of losses. Of course, it’s important to make sure you’re getting the best coverage and the most value for your money, so talking to an independent agent like us is a good idea. That can help tell you whether you can cover the type of losses you’re concerned about with the policy you have, or whether you should have a different kind of policy instead.

Not everyone gets an all-risk policy. Many choose only to have state minimums when it comes to coverage. The minimum coverage is less expensive, so it’s a popular choice. If you have an expensive boat, though, you don’t want to just do the minimum you have to in order to protect it. We can help you get a policy that will cover the boat whether it’s out on the water, at your house, or sitting in a docking facility. That’s true whether it’s a standard dock where the boat is in the water, or a dry docking situation.

Damage to your boat from an accident, theft of the boat or its contents, and other issues are all covered under an all-risk policy, so you can have peace of mind no matter where your boat is or what you’re doing with it. Don’t risk a big investment like a boat by only getting the minimum coverage needed to protect it. Take the time to get the right kind of policy, and let us help you choose the policy that will best meet your needs.

Benefits for successfully completing safe boating classes in Lakewood, Colorado

When you have a boat in the Lakewood, Colorado area, it’s very important that you know how to operate it safely. Safe boating classes can help you with that. Once you’ve completed them, you can ask for a break on the price of your insurance. Often, boat insurance will be less expensive if you have paperwork showing that you’ve taken a class. Completing a safety course can also give you some peace of mind, and make you more confident in the operation of your boat.

Once you’ve successfully completed the class, talk with an independent agent about the opportunity for a discount. Some companies might offer more savings than others, which is why it’s better to work with someone like us. We can check with multiple companies, so you can get the best rate and the highest discount. Just make sure before you take any boating safety course that it’s legitimate and approved by insurance companies. If it isn’t, you aren’t going to see any savings on your insurance bill and that won’t help you reduce your premiums.

Talking with us can help you find the best insurance for your boating needs. In some cases it might be less expensive to choose a company that doesn’t provide a discount for safe boating classes, just because that company has lower overall premiums. However, it’s often cheaper to choose a company that gives good discounts. Plus, it’s always a good idea to have a safety course when you’re going to operate a boat. There’s much more than money on the line, and you don’t want to take any chances with the safety and security of your friends and family members.

Is there a speed restriction for watercraft insurance in Lakewood, Colorado?

If you live in Lakewood, Colorado and enjoy going out on the waterways with your watercraft, make sure that you have the correct insurance first. Call your independent agent for all the particulars of good policy coverage on your watercraft for you, your guests, and others on the water in Lakewood.

You must practice good common sense and safety when in your boat and know the laws of the waterways. You must know that the first thing in practicing safety is using common sense, and making the right decisions for you and those you share the waterways. Your independent agent can help you with the right boat insurance policy.

Colorado law does not mention any set speed for your boat. What the law does say is, the boater should not operate their watercraft at a speed that is not sensible. You must keep boat speeds at a sensible speed and in line with the weather conditions at the time you are on the waterways. When your boat cannot create a wake on the water you are in a no wake zone, and the law says that your boat speed cannot be over 5 mile per hour.

According to Colorado law for water speed, your common sense would denote how fast you should (safely) run your boat. Remember to keep you, your guests and others on the water safe at all cost. Your boat insurance company is monitoring your boat safety and common sense. No accidents and claims for damages that are your fault will help to set the stage for a great insurance policy rate.

As your independent agent in Lakewood, we can help you structure a watercraft policy that will fit your needs. Contact us to speak with an independent agent today. It is important that you give us a call so that we can give you specific details for your circumstances. Remember, do not operate your boat without insurance.

When I buy umbrella insurance in Lakewood, CO, does it cover past liabilities?

Picture this scenario happening; you have no insurance, and are in an accident in Lakewood, Colorado, on the first. You are found guilty of a serious accident. The next day on the second you purchase and sign a policy that gives you the coverage you will need in this situation. Anticipating that the injured party will sue you for more coverage than you have, you call an independent agent and tell him/her you want to add on an umbrella coverage.

You feel quite confident you have now covered yourself well with a high enough amount , when it is determined that you may have thousands of dollars to pay.

Guess what, you are not covered for anything and you are on your own. You must make financial amends out of your own pocket for all liabilities. Call your independent agent in Lakewood, Colorado, and speak with an agent. An auto policy is only meant to pay for future accidents one day after you sign your application. Your insurance company is not going to pay for any damages before the second when you signed for your coverage.

Never, ever will a company pay out for any liabilities before the coverage was signed. There is no company on the face of the earth that pays out before the effective coverage date. In this case and many others like it you must pay out of pocket if you have no coverage and are found guilty in an vehicle accident. You could lose all of your assets including your home and car if a serious accident happens before you are covered.

There is one exception to this rule that pertains to a life insurance policy. If you purchase this kind of coverage and sign a dated application, you can make your first payment, and in some circumstance you are covered at once.

Do not wait unit it is too late. We can help you, contact us to speak with an independent agent in Colorado, about an umbrella converge today. We can give you specific details for our circumstances.

In Lakewood, Colorado, can I get a discount for taking a motorcycle safety class?

Motorcycle safety classes work much the same as automobile safety classes . If you enroll in a motorcycle safety class in Lakewood, Colorado and pass the class and test , you may get a nice discount on your insurance policy .

However , there are no discounts available through the safety course for your motorcycle policy . When you take a motorcycle safety class , and you have proven that your goal is safety when on the road your company will have some discounts on your insurance policy for you .

Contact your independent agent when you have completed your motorcycle safety class and passed your test . Show proof to your independent agent and you can get a discount from your insurance company .

Even if , you think you are the best and safest motorcycle driver on the road , there is always room for improvement . Everyone can improve on driving skills and always learn something new .

Motorcycle skills , like automobile skills , can deteriorate after several years . It is a wise idea for you to sharpen up your road skills and your states road laws , at least every year . You can take this motorcycle safety course as often as you would like .

Colorado has a program called ABATE that is available for motorcycle riders . ABATE offers you the following;

·Freedom on the road

·Promote fair legislation safety

·Rider education

·Successful Communication system for cyclists

Motorcycle riders are some of the safest drivers on the road , but as with most things , you must proof how safe you really can be. Once you have taken the safe driving course , the rider must prove how safe they really are. Taking the safe driving course is the first step . Driving citation free for at least one to three years is another big step towards better insurance rates .

We can help you . If you live in Lakewood, Colorado contact us and speak with an independent agent today . It is important that you call us so that we can give you specific details for your circumstances .

What Should I Look for When Purchasing Umbrella Insurance in Lakewood, CO?

Your homeowner’s insurance and your auto insurance policies cover a variety of liability issues. However, these policies may not be able to protect you in the event of a lawsuit and a subsequent monetary judgment. If you own a small business or have significant wealth in various assets, you’ll want to protect yourself with a good umbrella policy. Having one can protect you and your assets from steep legal expenses.

Purchasing the best umbrella insurance policy can seem like a tough task, but if you know what you’re looking for in a policy, finding one that works best for your needs becomes much easier.

  • Requirements – Since it’s often utilized as a supplementary form of insurance, umbrella policies may have underlying requirements, which can include having a certain amount of coverage on your homeowner’s policy or your automobile insurance. In order to make these requirements, you may wind up paying more on these policies.
  • Coverage Amounts – Ideally, buyers should purchase at least $1 million of coverage. This will help cover most lawsuits, excess medical coverage to injured parties and extenuating damages from accidents.
  • Exclusionary language – Most policies are clear on what they don’t cover. For instance, many umbrella policies exclude high-risk activities, criminal behavior, recreational motor vehicles and damage to your own home and vehicles from their coverage. It is important to read the fine print before settling on an insurance policy.
  • Discounts – If you can find ways to reduce your overall cost, don’t hesitate to take advantage. Various ways of saving on insurance costs include consolidating existing policies with one carrier and comparing plans with different companies.

If you’re still having a hard time finding umbrella insurance in Lakewood, Colorado, you should turn to a local independent agent for expert advice.

Passenger seat: Are you covered by the driver’s insurance in Lakewood, Colo.?

Auto insurance provides financial protection shoud you suffer a serious car accident. But what about the person in the passenger seat next to you? Who pays for whatever medical costs that person incurs following an accident? In Lakewood, Colorado, that depends: The person in the passenger seat might be covered by the drivers insurance, but only if that driver pruchased personal injury protection as part of his or her auto insurance policy.

Personal injury protection isn’t required by law in Colorado, though it is in several states. But it might prove to be a worthwhile investment.

If you get into a car accident that you caused, you might suffer serious financial consequences if the person in the passenger seat next to you is injured. Medical care is expensive. Without the right insurance protection, you could be responsible for paying at least some of these costs.

Fortunately, you can avoid this risk by making sure personal injury protection is included in your auto insurance coverage. And with the ability that you have to shop around for the right insurance policy, you won’t have to spend a small fortune to include personal injury insurance in your auto policy.

Your best option is to search for live auto insurance rates online. Today, instead of calling local insurance companies, you can find the information you need to make an informed insurance decision online. The live quotes you find will tell you how much a particular insurance policy will pay and what level of protection it will offer. You can quickly compare, then, auto insurance policies with personal injury protection to see which offers the best value for your dollars.

Auto insurance isn’t cheap. And when you boost it with such additions as personal injury insurance, its price will rise even higher. But that cost might pale in comparison to the fees you’ll have to pay should your passenger suffer a serious injury because of an auto accident that you caused.

Eye Opening Insurance Facts

Insurance is often a large expense. In a rocky economy with most family’s facing reduced incomes, it may seem logical to reduce insurance expenses in in the budget. Resist this urge. Having insurance could save you thousands of dollars if life throws an event covered by the policy your way. From Commerce City to Green Valley Ranch and beyond, it is important to make sure your family is properly insured.

Here are some eye-opening statistics to consider before you reduce or eliminate your insurance coverage. The United States Social Security Administration estimates that three out of every ten working adults will become disabled at some point during their employment. There is a car accident every eight seconds in the United States. Two out of three bankruptcies are because of medical bills because the individual didn’t have health insurance.

Health, disability and car insurance can save you significant amount of money in any of these instances. Yes, that premium amount coming every month from you paycheck to cover health insurance may be a chunk of your income. However, considering an emergency room visit for a broken wrist might cost you a hundred dollars for your co-pay if you have insurance or two thousand dollars if you don’t have it, it’s a smart investment. Insurance provides peace of mind in addition to savings.