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Questions to Ask a Colorado Insurance Agent

Searching for information online can be a great place to start when you’re looking for more information on Colorado automobile insurance and home insurance. However, your insurance agent will be able to answer more detailed questions that may not be listed as specifically on the company’s website or on general informational insurance websites. To make sure you get proper insurance coverage for your needs, make sure to ask your Colorado insurance agent the following questions at your next meeting.

  • What is the legal requirement for auto insurance in Colorado? If you’re still driving a 15-year old car from high school, it is usually a cheaper option to just pay the bare minimum for auto insurance. This is because the cost of simply replacing your vehicle after it has been in an accident may end up being cheaper than paying property insurance on it for several years.
  • How can I qualify for discounts? Everyone wants to save money on their insurance payments, and most Colorado insurance companies are willing to help you do just that by rewarding preventive behavior. For example, taking a driver’s course and installing a car alarm can knock down the price on your auto insurance, while installing a home alarm and a new roof can get you discounts on your home insurance.
  • How do I file a claim and how long does the process take? You want to be prepared when a disaster strikes, and knowing what to expect from your insurance company is one of the best ways to do this. Make specific inquiries about certain disasters– minor to major car accidents, roofing collapses, minor hail damage, etc.– to make sure you will have a plan ready for anything.

What Materials Should I Have Ready For a Meeting with My Insurance Agent?

Meeting with your insurance agent isn’t exactly a fun experience, but it’s important to undergo these recommended conferences to make sure your coverage plan is up to date and in keeping with your needs and preferences. Although your insurance agent will be able to access most of the information needed for the meeting, bringing these materials yourself will make the process go much smoother and faster, which is beneficial for both you and your insurance agent. The materials you should bring will vary depending on the type of insurance you and your agent will be discussing. The following lists detail the appropriate materials to bring for meetings regarding both home insurance and auto insurance.

Home Insurance:

  • Your property deed or mortgage documents
  • A list of all construction materials used to build your home
  • Evidence of the age of your home
  • Safety features near your home (law enforcement centers, fire departments, etc.)

Car Insurance:

  • Make and model of the vehicle(s) you wish to insure
  • Vehicle identification numbers (VINs) for each vehicle you wish to insure
  • Name, social security number, birth date, employment status, and marital status of each driver requesting insurance coverage
  • Reports of any former accidents, traffic violations and other related incidences associated with drivers requesting insurance coverage
  • Documents indicating driving school courses taken and certifications earned by drivers requesting insurance coverage
  • Drivers license number, the state in which the license was issued, and the age each driver received his or her license

How much car insurance do I need?

Most states demand citizens to purchase auto insurance if they are going to legally drive. Regardless of the minimum requirement, it may not be enough to protect them. One of the mistakes people make is to not ask the question, "How much car insurance do I need?"

Raise your deductible to get a lower monthly payment instead of purchasing cheaper auto insurance. Auto insurance offers a variety of products that perform different purposes. The best rule of thumb is to be covered against liability for the full amount of your assets.

Liability covers the other vehicle. Your passengers are covered with a Bodily Injury policy. Personal Injury covers those who are riding in your vehicle. Property Damage Liability covers the other persons car. Answer the question, "How much car insurance do I need." . Policies like the ones mentioned do not cover your personal property. You need to determine how much you are willing to cover out of pocket and the amount of insurance you will need to replace your personal property that has been damaged. Keep in mind, your health insurance should be responsible to cover your medical expenses when you are at fault in the accident. For a complete analysis of your insurance, you will want more assistance to determine how much liability insurance you need, contact us for a free quote today.

What are the Laws Concerning Auto Insurance in Colorado?

Colorado, like all other U.S. states, has auto insurance laws designed to protect drivers financially when collisions cause property damage and bodily injury. In Colorado, you must have at least $15,000 of coverage for property damage that you are responsible for causing. Additionally, you must have at least $50,000 in total accident bodily injury liability, with up to $25,000 available per person injured.

In addition to having coverage, you must carry proof of your Colorado insurance coverage with you at all times while operating a vehicle. If you are caught driving without the minimum insurance requirements, the State of Colorado can fine you $500 for a first offense or $1,000 for a second offense. You may also have your driving rights temporarily suspended.

Purchasing Colorado Auto Insurance

It is important to remember, however, that Colorado minimum coverage laws should be used as a starting point for determining how much coverage you really need. Just because you have enough insurance to legally operate a vehicle, it does not mean that you are fully financially protected in the event of an accident. You should have enough liability coverage to protect you from out-of-pocket costs that exceed your insurance coverage limits, as well as enough auto coverage to pay for repairs to your own vehicle and for your own medical expenses incurred in an accident.

Do I need comprehensive, or liability auto insurance for a car that is high mileage?

When do I need comprehensive insurance for a car that has high mileage? Vehicles with high mileage do not hold their value unless it is a classic automobile. However, there are features that you can add to your policy to cover a broken windshield, offer free towing, add hospitalization coverage, and provide a rental car to your policy. This is a good deal and will not cost as much as full comprehensive insurance.

Should I only purchase liability auto insurance for a car that has high mileage? If that is all that you can afford, it is a good deal that will keep you within the boundaries of the law. If you are still making payments on the automobile, the bank may require you to carry comprehensive insurance with a rider that protects their interest in the vehicle. However, if you own the title and do not care what happens to the vehicle. Get liability because of the high mileage! However, be willing to pay the tow bill and other services that are related to the crash. Then, you can start looking for an auto loan and get that newer vehicle. When you need advice on buying a vehicle with high mileage, contact us for a free automobile insurance quote.

Should I buy vehicle insurance because it is the cheapest?

Thousands of people drive each day on the road who are high risk drivers. No insurance carrier wants to sell someone who meets the criteria of a person who is careless behind the wheel. When should I buy vehicle insurance because it is the cheapest? Companies are popping up like mushrooms all across the nation to reach this market. Only purchase cheap automobile insurance when it is difficult to find someone to insure you. It is cheap auto insurance because it meets to the minimum requirements required by the state.

Cheap auto insurance does not cover a lot of the basic benefits of other policies. If you ever get hit by someone who has cheap insurance, they probably will not have enough coverage in their policy against your loss. Should I buy vehicle insurance because it is the cheapest? It is not a good deal for all involved. In fact, you may want to purchase a higher benefit package from another carrier in case you have more loss than what you can recover. If low rates are a concern for your budget, you do not have to sacrifice good quality coverage. Think of your family when you purchase insurance and not your budet first. We can assist you with the best automobile insurance for you at low rates, get a free quote today!

Why Wood Burners Change a Premium

Insurance premiums hinge not only on your insurance company, but also on the components of your home that make it safe or unsafe. Wood burners, for example, can hike your insurance rates significantly thanks to a perceived risk by insurers. There are several types of wood burners that can cause your insurance premiums to rise, including wood burining fireplaces and the less common wood burning stoves.

Depending on your insurance company’s algorithms for determining rates, having a wood burner in your home may increase your rates by as much as $100 per year. In some cases, an insurer may even refuse to insure your home altogether unless you can provide proof that the wood burner meets safety standards, is up to code in your city and is properly installed.

Alternatives to Wood Burners

Instead of using a wood burning fireplace or stove, consider switching to a gas or electric variety. Gas fireplaces are easy to install and do not require firewood or a lot of time trying to get a fire started. Instead, gas fireplaces create warmth and ambiance with the flip of a switch, and they are more easily controlled than the wood burning varieties. Similarly, gas and electric ovens are more energy efficient than they have ever been, and they are considered much safer than wood burining ovens.

If you must keep your wood burner, consider shopping other insurance companies for more affordable rates. You may be able to find a lower premium for the same coverage from an alternate insurer.

The Differences Between Roofing Material and How It Relates to Insurance

You may know that the type of materials your home is made of can affect your insurance premiums, but did you know that your roof also makes a difference in your rates? The type of roof you choose for your home can determine how likely you are to need to file a claim to replace or repair it in the coming years, because some types of roofing materials are much more durable than others.

Impact-Resistant Roofing

An impact-resistant roof is one that is better suited for withstanding impact from falling debris and extreme weather conditions than other types of roofing materials. Metal roofing is the preferred roof of insurers, and installing a metal roof on your own home with likely reduce your insurance premiums significantly. However, metal roofing is also the most expensive roofing material and may not be feasible for your budget – especially if you do not plan to live in your home for a long period of time. In that case, you may want to opt for a class four asphalt shingle, which is sturdier than other shingles, but not as expensive as metal roofing.

Ultimately, the type of roofing you choose for your home is up to you. Although there are definite benefits to choosing impact-resistant materials, choosing a traditional composite material will not make your premiums skyrocket – you just may not qualify for certain discounts.

Tailored home insurance for home owners

As your family grow, a tailored home insurance for home owners will be a custom fit. You will have different needs at every stage of life with demands that will bring the future growth spurts to your doorstep. You will probably have a bigger family and more valuables as you get older. First time homeowners who may live in a similar dwelling will have different needs and expectations.

Tailored home insurance packages can be professionally fit together with you in mind. If you keep kids in the home, your policy can include the liability coverage. This will work in case something happened while children where in your care. Is your home in a flood zone? You may want to be covered in an area that is known for tornadoes. Add the coverage to the policy that is needed to protect your home.

You may have valuables that need to be protected against fire and theft. This is why a tailored home insurance package is a great asset for home owners. The one size fits all policy does not always efficiently meet the needs of the holder. Protect your assets with the right coverage to meet every need that may arise.

Let a trusted insurance agent show you how to custom your home owners insurance to meet your growing family needs. Contact us today for a free quote

Landlord Insurance Is Important

Experienced landlords are acutely aware of the importance of landlord insurance–particularly those who suffered losses in the past. Newbie property owners in their early ventures into renting homes or condos to others may still be unconvinced of the absolute need for this coverage. Save yourself from an expensive reality check.

Regardless of the assets or wealth of your renters, you must protect yourself with adequate landlord insurance. Your tenants, regardless of the health of their cash balances, only need to insure their personal property when renting. The responsibility to protect the home/condo and the safety of visitors sits directly in the landlord’s lap.

Here is a simple, yet all-to-common example to illustrate the dangers landlord’s face. Your tenants invite a few people over for dinner and to watch a ball game. It rains, sleets or snows before they arrive. As they walk up to the home or condo, one of the guests slips, falls and breaks an important part of their body. Guess who is typically liable for medical costs, loss of income and psychological trauma? You, as the owner of the real estate.

Similar events are actually more common than the other hazards (fire, lightening, water, wind damage, etc.) that you should always protect against. Unfortunately, liability awards can sometimes vastly exceed the claim payments for serious physical damage to your home or condo.

Protect your assets. Shop for the best coverage and prices from an independent agent with an interactive website that allows you to get multiple quotes from different insurance companies. You–and your bank balance–will be very happy you took the short time to get multiple landlord insurance quotes from a trusted independent agent.