Author Archives: AgentInsure

How to Choose the Right Renters Insurance Policy in Lakewood, Colorado

Having the right renters insurance policy in Lakewood Colorado can make the difference between being protected and having to suffer through a financial loss because of a natural disaster. A renters policy is a type of home product that gives people who rent a home the peace of mind that their personal belongings are protected. In order to have the best kind of protection there are some ways that you can know you have the best coverage for your family.

The Right Things to Know When Buying a Renters Policy

  • To get the right policy you must first know how much money it will take to replace all your belongings if you lost everything. This will take some work and calculating but the independent agent will want to know.
  • Know what company offers the best rate for your needs. This will require you to shop around for different quotes from different insurance providers.
  • Take a look at the liability amount on the product. The liability protects you from being sued by a third party. There are several levels to choose from that range from 100,000 all the way to a million in coverage. Pick which one is right for you.
  • Keep an eye out for extra discounts. You will want to make sure that you are getting every discount that you can. Ask about the military discount for people who serve in the armed forces.
  • Check to see if the policy is being quoted with replacement cost. This means that if you have a loss the provider will pay full cost to replace the item and not depreciate the value based on its age.

Having the right insurance policy is important. It will make the difference to your family if you ever have to file a claim. Take the time and speak with an independent agent to learn more about renters insurance.

What to Consider when Purchasing Commercial Coverage in Lakewood, Colorado

To ensure that each Lakewood, Colorado, business has the insurance coverage it needs in case damage or destruction occurs, it may be necessary for the business owners to purchase a type of commercial property policy. A commercial property policy can cover the losses that may occur to company property when naturally destructive events occur as well as protect business owners in the cases of vandalism or theft.

When purchasing commercial coverage in Lakewood, Colorado, business owners should evaluate their needs in order to select the appropriate commercial property coverage type and amount. An all-risk policy will cover damage caused by a variety of events other than incidents that are noted as exceptions by the policy. This is the most commonly purchased type of commercial coverage. A peril-specific policy will cover losses from only specified events, such as fire or flood. An independent insurance agent can help Lakewood business owners determine if their properties are at risk for a particular peril and recommend peril insurance coverage if appropriate.

Business owners should be aware that different levels of risk are associated with different areas even within the city of Lakewood, Colorado. Insurance providers assess each area’s risk in order to determine which insurance coverage to offer at what cost. This means businesses in different neighborhoods may pay different rates for the same coverage. If a business is located in a high crime area or an area at risk of natural disasters, it will carry a higher risk and command higher insurance rates. Consulting with an independent insurance agent who can inform business owners about the risks their potential business location before they buy it can help owners make good decisions about purchasing property. Once they own a property, an insurance agent can still help them by recommending suitable coverage as well as suggesting ways for the owners to reduce their risks and save money.

How Can I find the Best Insurance Quotes Online with Multiple Carriers in Lakewood, Colorado?

Getting the best insurance quotes online from multiple carriers requires gathering and evaluating information. Websites that aggregate quotes to display information from multiple providers can be a good starting point for some shoppers. At these sites, users are asked to enter some personal information and information about the type of policy they are seeking. The site’s search engine then collects and displays quotes from multiple providers. Receiving a set of quotes from such a site allows shoppers to view a list of providers that offers their type of plan and gives them an idea of the costs associated with each. However, the usefulness of this information can be limited as not all insurance providers will show up in these search results, and it’s possible that not all relevant information related to the person to be insured will be factored into the quotes. For example, search results may not take the persons location into account. Although this type of online search can have its limitations, it provides a starting point for researching an insurance purchase.

After gathering quotes multiple providers in one easy step, the next step is to evaluate each offer and investigate the providers further. Visiting the websites of the providers, getting direct quotes from them, and inquiring about discounts can follow. Researching the policy and provider to discover their record of customer satisfaction can also be essential before committing to an insurance purchase.

Using the online tools available to them, many shoppers discover and purchase insurance policies that meet their needs. But conducting research can be time consuming, and some opportunities may not show up in search results. Consulting with an independant agent who can use his insurance quoting software to gather the information can streamline your search and garner the best results. In particular, consulting with a local insurance agent can help you get results tailored to you and your Lakewood, Colorado, location. Finally, the insurance agent will be able to identify reliable providers and suitable policies at a glance and make recommendations that lead to good buying decisions.

What Is the Best Home Insurance Coverage for New Homeowners in Lakewood, CO?

New Homeowners in the Lakewood, Colorado and surrounding areas will discover they may have to deal with many environmental issues such as earthquakes, wildfires, floods and hurricanes; the homeowner is going to pay more than the average homeowner. They will need an independent agent to help them sort thorough issues covering their unique needs.

Clients who reside in this area will have to do a lot of shopping and comparison of insurance rates in order to find the best rate for them. The internet offers a homeowners insurance network in Lakewood, where the process has been streamlined to help homeowners find the best rates for their unique needs in a homeowner’s policy. The homeowner will need to remember that the best rate is not necessarily the best policy that will fit them.

Homeowners will need to pick an insurance policy that will fit their specific needs. There are many things to decide upon when considering a policy. Be sure to get the best out of your policy for the least amount of money.

A typical homeowners insurance policy will cover damages done through episodic events such as, fire, explosions, smoke damage, lightning, vandals, theft of possessions including check and illegal use, use of stolen credit cards, objects falling on the home and causing damage, weather related issues such as ice, rain, snow, sleet, and wind, riot damage, volcanoes, plumbing mishaps due to frozen pipes, bursting of plumbing and hot water heater causing water damage, heating malfunction and power surges.

Also, possibly covered depending on the policy, is food spoilage, replacement of door locks, removing debris and temporary repairs. A homeowner may or may not have to add these into their policy, find out from your independent agent.

The best homeowner’s coverage for residents in and around Lakewood, Colorado include all of the above plus they will need to speak with their independent agent to make sure their home is covered in the event of a wildfire, earthquake, and hurricane.

Homeowners need to read all of their policy word for word and understand what they are buying, so that when they need specific coverage’s there will be no surprises when they find out they had no coverage on a specific claim.

Ways to Protect your Car without a Garage in Colorado

There is no questions that a garage is the easiest and most effective way of keeping your vehicle safe from the elements and other possible perils, but not everyone is privy to garage storage. Here is Colorado, cars left outside can take a real beating year-round. There is heavy winter snow, falling tree limbs buckling under the weight of ice and multiple other dangers that car owners must be concerned about. So what can you do to protect your car without a garage?

Get a Carport

In comparison to garages, carports are much less expensive and easier to install on your property. Best of all, carports provide significant protection from the elements just like a garage would. Be sure to have your carport professionally installed, and make sure it is in compliance with local ordinances or homeowner’s association requirements. It can withstand high winds, hail, falling tree limbs and heavy snow, protecting your assets.

Pay Attention to Your Surroundings

If a carport is not within your budget or not possible for your property restrictions, you can protect your vehicle by paying attention to your surroundings and where you park your vehicle. For example, high winds and snow can cause store front awnings to collapse, causing damage to nearby vehicles. Similarly, if you normally park your vehicle under a tree for shade, you may be placing it at risk for damage from falling limbs — or even the tree itself.

When Your Car Suffers Damage

Sometimes, damage to your vehicle is unavoidable. Whether the damage is minor or significant enough to prevent you from driving, the right insurance coverage could help ensure you are not without a vehicle or the money to make the necessary repairs. Here in Lakewood, you can contact our office to speak to an independent agent who will explain your insurance coverage options and the ways that you can protect your finances when the unthinkable occurs. Call us for your no-obligation quotes today.

The Risks of Driving without Insurance in Lakewood, Colorado

Most normal people try to avoid unnecessary risks. Driving without insurance in Lakewood, Colorado is just plain stupid. The consequences of not having an auto insurance policy with at least the state minimum requirement, can be severe. Every responsible car owner should have insurance before the car should be driven. If you do not buy insurance because you cannot afford the price of a policy, you probably should not own a car.

An independent agent can stress the importance of having proper coverage for your automobile, but ultimately, it is up to you to make sure your vehicle is insured. Colorado requires every car owner to have property damage and bodily injury liability coverage. Most people choose to also have comprehensive and collision coverage in addition to the minimum state requirements. You can ask your independent agent about the other coverage available and then decide whether or not you want to add them to your basic policy.

Driving without coverage and getting pulled over by the police can make your life pretty miserable. First time uninsured drivers, who are found guilty of such an offense, will be slapped with a mandatory minimum fine of $500. Your license will be suspended until you can show proof that you have proper insurance. Four points will be put on your record and, your cost of buying an insurance policy will likely go up.

If you are found guilty of driving without insurance for a second time, the mandatory minimum fine increases to $1,000. Your license will be suspended for a minimum of four months and you will still get points and see your insurance rates go up.

As a three time loser, you can get a $1,000 minimum fine, a minimum eight month license suspension and be ordered to perform up to 40 hours of community service. After three times, you will probably lose your driving privileges for a long, long time.

All offenders, for the next three years are required to file an SR-22 form showing proof that they have the minimum, state mandated, liability coverage. Don’t be stupid. See your independent agent and get the coverage you need.

Facts about Wood Burning Stoves and Your Colorado Home Insurance

Over the last decade, residents of Lakewood and the rest of the state of Colorado have followed the national trend of installing wood burning stoves in their homes. With the high cost of fuel, wood burning stoves can provide the heat you need on those cold winter days. Before you go out and buy one of these units to heat your home, it is wise to check with your home insurance company or ask an independent agent how such a decision will affect your insurance coverage.

Fire is one of the biggest hazards that insurance companies consider when assessing the risk associated with a home policy. Homes with fireplace or wood burning stoves can elevate that risk. While a properly installed stove is usually very safe, not all stoves are installed properly.

Many insurers will require homeowners to provide proof of certification that their wood burning stove was installed properly. Just like you would hire a professional to install a hot water heater, unless you have the expertise, you should have the company that sells you the appliance also install it. Insurers also want to be kept informed when you add a piece of equipment that could change the chances of suffering a loss.

When you inform your insurance company of your intentions and have your wood burning stove properly installed, you can avoid any unanticipated consequences. Most standard homeowner policies do cover damage from fire, but, an additional charge for the additional risk may be added when you have a fireplace or wood burning stove.

Ask your Lakewood Colorado independent agent how your premiums might be affected. Major damage from this type of heating source is unusual. The facts are that most claims are the result of burning embers catching a carpet or some curtains on fire. To be safe, try to place these stoves on a tiled floor and away from any items that might catch fire.

What Happens During an Auto Claim Process in Colorado?

Making a claim with your auto insurance company can be a little intimidating at first. Although, once you know the steps involved, you will be on your way to getting your vehicle repaired. If you have been involved in an accident, or if there is damage to your automobile from a storm, you will want to get the auto claim process started.

The first thing you will need to do is contact your Lakewood, Colorado insurance agent. He will ask you for details about the accident and about the damage. If there is another party involved, your agent will also ask you for their name, address and insurance information. Depending on the type of coverage you have, you may be able to request a rental vehicle immediately. People who drive their cars to and from work do not have time to be without a reliable vehicle. The next step is to obtain quotes for the damage to your car. If you have full coverage, you should be able to get the repairs made quickly. Once your deductible is met, your insurance company will pay for the repairs or if the car is a total loss, will give money for what your car is worth. If your vehicle is not paid off, that money will go to your lender to take care of the outstanding balance on your loan.

If you own an automobile in Lakewood, you need to make sure you have excellent auto insurance. You never know when the time will come that you may need to file a claim. You can find affordable premiums on car insurance by comparing quotes with several companies. An independent agent can check out the rates for several different types of insurance and give you a quote for the best deal.

What are the Insurance Related Closing Costs when Buying a House in Colorado?

Closing costs can add a significant chunk to the amount of money you need to put up when you buy a home, and several of the closing costs are related to insurance. Knowing what these costs will be can help you save the right amount of money for your home closing and avoid unpleasant surprises when your statement of estimated closing costs arrives.

One type of insurance that you need is title insurance. You usually purchase this through the title company that handles the closing when you’re buying a house. Title insurance protects you and the lender from problems that come up in the future with regard to the title. Costs vary, but the average homeowner in Colorado pays about $700 at closing for the lender and owner title insurance policies.

The other insurance related closing costs you’ll pay are for homeowners insurance. Lenders require this to protect their security in the home, and of course, the policy also protects you as the homeowner. Costs vary depending on the value of your home and possessions, but the average Colorado policy costs $800 to $900 per year. You need to pay for the first full year at closing. In addition, many lenders require you to deposit another 3 months of homeowners insurance payments into your escrow account at closing.

Between these two insurance related closing costs, most homeowners will need to bring about $2,000 to closing when buying a house. Shopping around for the best deal on homeowners insurance can help lower your costs, so contact a Colorado insurance agent to start getting quotes today. The earlier you start, the more time you will have to evaluate your options and get a policy in place before your closing date.

Who is Liable if a Neighbor’s Tree Fell on your Property in Lakewood, CO?

It was just starting to snow when you went to sleep in your Lakewood, Colorado home. You slept like a baby and then woke up and fixed yourself a cup of coffee. As you reached for a blueberry muffin, you happened to look out the window and were startled to see that your neighbor’s tree fell on your property. Worse yet, a huge limb landed right on top of your brand new Jeep.

Immediately, you slip on a pair of boots and trudge through the foot of snow to report the incident to your friend and next-door neighbor. You are sure that he will be sympathetic to your cause, but instead, he is more upset about his tree than the damage his tree did to your property. You see that he is being very defensive so you leave and call your insurance agent. He says that your neighbor is responsible. Your neighbor says it was an Act of God and he will not be held responsible for the damage to your property.

The law is rather straight forward when it comes to who is liable. If your tree falls on your neighbor’s property, you are only responsible if you were negligent. That sounds reasonable except that it is often extremely hard to define negligence. What constitutes negligence? If your tree was obviously dead or diseased, you should have known that it could topple. A reasonable person could anticipate that a heavy coating of snow might cause the tree to fall.

On the other hand, if your tree was healthy and full of leaves, you might not know that it was unstable. Most cases are difficult to prove. They can take a long time to litigate. If your neighbor’s tree fell on your property, it can be hard to determine who is liable. The best thing to do is contact your insurance agent and allow them to deal with your neighbor and your neighbor’s insurance company.