Author Archives: AgentInsure

Roof Maintenance tips for your home in Lakewood, Colorado

Maintaining your roof in Lakewood, Colorado can save you from expensive repairs in the future. Homeowners often overlook this part of their home until there is a problem. Once the roof is damaged, you will have to spend more time and money to fix it than if you keep up with regular maintenance. You also need to make sure your homeowners insurance will cover damage caused by storms or other hazards. As an independent agent, we can compare your policy and find new quotes and rates to make sure you have the best coverage.

One easy way to maintain your roof is to check your gutters often. This is a location where leaves and debris can build up and cause water to sit in the gutter and cause mold and rot. Whether you hire someone or clean the gutters yourself, this easy maintenance could save you a lot of money.

Another maintenance tip is to check your roof for loose shingles or tree limbs hanging over your roof. Trees can cause damage by puncturing your roofing material and causing a leak. Do not wait for a big storm to break off limbs and possibly cause extensive damage.

Homeowners insurance is important to take care of your home in the event of a storm or other hazard. Speak with an independent agent, we will help you understand what is covered and what is not covered on your plan. You will need to make sure your roof and other structures of your home have adequate protection in the event of a storm. Even if you keep up with the maintenance on your roof, a big wind or a heavy rainstorm can cause unexpected damage. With a great insurance plan, you can get your roof fixed quickly without a lot of stress and hassles.

Safety Tips for preventing home burglary in Lakewood, Colorado

Although Lakewood, Colorado is a safe city, you should always be prepared for a possible home burglary. There are simple tips to help prevent thieves from targeting your home and disrupting your life. You also need to make sure your homeowners insurance will cover any possible losses. As an independent agent, we will compare quotes and rates will help make great insurance affordable.

First, always lock your doors and windows when you are away from home. This may seem like a simple tip, but many people leave their house vulnerable by not checking to make sure doors are locked, especially the dead bolt. This is one of the easiest ways for preventing a burglary.

Second, install motion activated light in the front and back of your home. Often, if a burglar is looking at your home, when bright lights come on he will move to an easier location.

Third, check into a home security system. Many of these programs are affordable and will alert you and a security company if there is something going on at your home. This will also alert emergency personnel if there is a fire at the house. Installing a security system may also earn you a discount on your homeowners insurance policy.

Remember, safety is a number one priority. No matter how prepared you think you are, there is a possibility your home could be broken into. When you speak with an independent agent about your homeowners insurance, make sure you have the coverage you need. If you have not inventoried your household belongings, you should do this as soon as possible. You may even want to take pictures or video and store the information off site in the event you need to make a claim.

Is it illegal for a neighbor to plow snow onto my property in Colorado?

If you have homeowner’s insurance, one of the things you want to be covered for is vandalism and damage to your home or property. If your neighbor is removing his snow by plowing it over onto your property, that could cause some damage to your lawn, your driveway, and anything you have in those areas. Some states, like Colorado don’t allow people to plow their snow onto the property of other people. It’s illegal, and it should be reported if you see it happening. In the meantime, make sure you’re covered for any damage that a neighbor might cause by plowing snow over onto your property.

To make sure you have proper coverage in the meantime, talk to your independent agent in Lakewood about what you already have and what you need. That way, you’ll be sure to be covered for any damage that might occur from someone else’s improper snow removal. If you have any questions about what, exactly, will be covered, your independent agent should be the one you ask. Don’t just assume, because that can cause you problems in the future.

Insurance coverage is an important part of being a responsible homeowner, and even if your neighbors aren’t doing the right thing you want to make sure you stay protected and don’t do anything that could get you into trouble. If you see that someone is plowing snow onto your property from theirs you can call and report them. The next call you make should be to your insurance agent in Lakewood to make sure you’re covered for any damages. If you’re not covered, go ahead and get coverage at that time so you’ll be protected in the future. Then you can document any damage that’s already happened for a police report and document future damage for your insurance company.

Colorado Driver: What you Need to Know About Handling a Hit and Run Accident

A local independent agent in Lakewood is your most important ally in dealing with any type of car or truck accidents that you may encounter while driving in Colorado. No matter how responsible and well prepared you are in terms of vehicle insurance, when you are the victim of a hit and run driver, all that preparation can feel like it just was not enough. Fortunately, when you have a good auto insurance policy, it will cover this type of accident, even though you are unable to identify the driver who caused it. Here are some things that your independent agent would like for you to know when it comes to dealing with a hit and run accident.

First, you should always call the police as soon as you are aware that this happened. Fleeing the scene of an accident is a crime, and the person who did this needs to be held accountable for doing that if at all possible. The police may have the ability to find out the identity of the driver who caused the accident, whether through video (if that is available), through eye witness statements (when other people saw the accident), or through other special methods of investigation.

Next, contact us, your Lakewood insurance agent. We can look at your insurance policy to examine the portion of it that applies to hit and run accidents to let you know what will be involved in making your claim. Many comprehensive car or truck insurance policies today do cover hit and run driver accidents under the uninsured motorist part of the policy. Fortunately, this means that just because you were the victim of a hit and run driver you do not have to pay for that damage yourself if you have proper Colorado insurance coverage.

Is Damage from Wildfires Considered a Natural Disaster on my Homeowners Policy in Colorado?

When homeowner’s think about what is included in their policy and what is excluded, most states across the United States are in agreement about these issues, however there are some exceptions to the rule where one state may have an abundance of mudslides, or floods while others have more than their share of wildfires. It will take the help of your independent agent in Lakewood, Colorado to sort through your insurance issues.

Homeowners need to make sure that they have stated a high enough amount of money in their insurance policy to rebuild, should their home be destroyed. You, the owner and your family will need to have a place to stay while rebuilding is going on, so make sure you stated that your policy included additional living expenses for at least two years. Get knowledgeable help from us as your local Colorado independent agency in exploring your claim process in the event that you lose your home in a wildfire.

Most people do not think about a wildfire taking their home and personal possessions. Most do not even have an evacuation plan. You need to review your insurance policy at least every year. Find out what your policy covers and what is excluded while you reside in Colorado. As a rule the typical homeowner’s insurance policy covers damages from fire, wind, hails riots, explosions, water damage (not flooding), theft, cost of living elsewhere, liability on and off the property. Floods are never covered unless there is an individual flood policy.

The natural disaster exclusions from typical insurance policies are as follows: sinkholes, floods, and earthquakes, damage from large hail, hurricanes, lightening, wildfires, and Tornadoes. Homeowners who went through wildfires in Colorado are not being reimbursed by their insurance companies enough to rebuild. Insurance companies are depreciating claims and payments to those who lost their homes and possessions.

Legislators are trying to pass new criteria for those who become victim of wildfire losses. Some Lakewood residents would like to see the full face value of polices paid upfront and then there would be no depreciation and insurance holds. Most states including Colorado are requiring a full list of loss of possessions. Most agree in Colorado that there needs to be changes in how insurance claims are handled in Colorado.

What Should I Look for When Purchasing Umbrella Insurance in Lakewood, CO?

Your homeowner’s insurance and your auto insurance policies cover a variety of liability issues. However, these policies may not be able to protect you in the event of a lawsuit and a subsequent monetary judgment. If you own a small business or have significant wealth in various assets, you’ll want to protect yourself with a good umbrella policy. Having one can protect you and your assets from steep legal expenses.

Purchasing the best umbrella insurance policy can seem like a tough task, but if you know what you’re looking for in a policy, finding one that works best for your needs becomes much easier.

  • Requirements – Since it’s often utilized as a supplementary form of insurance, umbrella policies may have underlying requirements, which can include having a certain amount of coverage on your homeowner’s policy or your automobile insurance. In order to make these requirements, you may wind up paying more on these policies.
  • Coverage Amounts – Ideally, buyers should purchase at least $1 million of coverage. This will help cover most lawsuits, excess medical coverage to injured parties and extenuating damages from accidents.
  • Exclusionary language – Most policies are clear on what they don’t cover. For instance, many umbrella policies exclude high-risk activities, criminal behavior, recreational motor vehicles and damage to your own home and vehicles from their coverage. It is important to read the fine print before settling on an insurance policy.
  • Discounts – If you can find ways to reduce your overall cost, don’t hesitate to take advantage. Various ways of saving on insurance costs include consolidating existing policies with one carrier and comparing plans with different companies.

If you’re still having a hard time finding umbrella insurance in Lakewood, Colorado, you should turn to a local independent agent for expert advice.

The Costs to Rebuild my Home in its Current Location in the Event of a Total Loss in Colorado

A homeowner in Lockwood, Colorado is shopping for homeowner’s insurance, they will need to take a look into the possible future scenario and consider the worst happening in order to structure a homeowner’s policy that will cover every aspect of their home’s total loss.

Unfortunately your home has been destroyed and it was a total loss and the homeowner must rebuild. As a homeowner you will need to call your independent agent right away. If you have not received a call back within 3 days, call the insurance company directly regarding specific costs.

Generally when a home is destroyed, homeowners think that they are going to receive an amount equivalent to the replacement cost of their home for this total loss. This coverage will dictate the shortest time possible to repair or replace the home or decide on a permanent relocation of the home. There is generally a ceiling limit, which is 20 percent to about 50 percent of the house limits. For instance if your home is worth $300,000 the insurance will allow 20 percent of this amount to maybe 50 percent of living expenses. This could cover the homeowner for one to two years.

It is a wise idea for all homeowners in a risky location such as Colorado and a location such as Lakewood, Colorado, to buy an extended replacement policy to cover a total loss should it occur. This policy will replace over 100 percent of the policy limits up to about 125 percent. For example, a home is insured for $300,000 with a 125 percent replacement the additional amount due to the homeowner would be $375,000. The formula for calculations would be, "300,000 x 125%=375,000 which would be the maximum dollar amount allowed."

When the homeowner in Colorado and their independent agent with a Lakewood location are trying to structure a homeowner’s policy to fit the needs of the homeowner regarding a rebuild and the costs of a new or repaired home, the homeowner should ask their independent agent it they need to include an amendment to their policy for removal of debris, an upgrade to building codes and landscaping needs, plus an extension on their policy for replacement costs.

How Combining Home and Auto Insurance Policies Can Save You Money in Lakewood, CO

Living in Lakewood, Colorado does not mean you have to spend a lot of money on your car insurance. If you look at your current insurance policy you will find that there is a section that lists out all of the discounts being applied to the premium. There is the good driver discount, good student discount and even a garaging discount that saves you money. One discount that you should be looking for is the multi-policy discount.

The Multi-policy Discount

There are several key factors that this discount has that are designed to save you money on your car policy.

  1. By combining both the auto and the home policies you will save up to 10 percent to 20 percent off your car insurance policy. Some insurance providers also may take an amount off the home policy. You will have to check with your independent agent to find out where you are saving the most money.
  2. The home part of the discount can either be a condo policy, home policy or even a renter’s policy. A home is simply where you live. Your agent will be able to help you determine which home insurance product is right for you.
  3. If you have not bought a home product because you rent and you think your rate might be too expensive, you should get a quote. Sometimes the discount of the multi-policy discount is enough to pay for the cost of a renter’s insurance policy.
  4. An important key factor to this kind of discount is that both the home and the auto policy should be listed with the same company. An agent will need to have both the home and auto in order to give you this special discount.

Reasons why Your Auto Insurance Rates Change because you Move in Colorado

Navigating the world of insurance is confusing. There are so many different types of insurance to begin with, and then the different options… even those who have a basic knowledge of the industry find it hard to understand everything. Auto insurance is no exception. One of the questions that come up again and again is “Why do insurance rates change when you move?” Learn more about why this is and what you can do to counter it.

One of the main reasons your rates may change is because you are driving more. If you live in a rural area and have a much longer commute, you may find that your rates go up for this reason. Make sure your independent agent has the right information on file with how many miles you drive each year. If you have overestimated, reducing this is a quick way to save money on your car insurance.

Another reason why insurance may cost more or less is based on the lay of the land where you are located. Those who are located in the mountains will pay a higher premium than those in an area such as Lakewood, Colorado. There are more accidents in the mountains, especially in winter, so naturally the premiums run higher.

The most important thing to remember is that you are not simply stuck paying what you are told. Contact a local independent agent and talk to them about the options available to you. Quite often working with someone like this will save you money over being stuck paying what a faceless quote program on the internet tells you. Finding the right agent is important, do your research and find someone who you feel comfortable working with on your insurance needs.

Do Homeowners in Lakewood, Colorado need to have Hazard Insurance?

Hazard insurance is the same in Lakewood, Colorado as it is across the United States for all homeowners who have purchased a home. Hazard insurance is in place for only one reason which is to protect the investment that the mortgage company has made by issuing a loan to the homeowner to purchase the home in the first place. Keep in contact with your independent agent to keep your homeowner’s policy in good standing.

Hazard insurance is one of those things included in a homeowner’s policy that is not really thought about until one’s homeowners policy expires. The mortgage company tacks on their own hazard policy to the home and then includes it in payments. This increases the homeowner’s monthly mortgage payment. This has happened to many people, and they have no idea until they get notice of a big hike in their mortgage payment.

Hazard insurance is good for one year, so if the homeowner resumes their regular policy, that will include hazard insurance, they will be paying for it again through the mortgage company. Most mortgage companies will not refund the amount of money should the homeowner pick up their own insurance.

The reason for this is that if a homeowner does not keep their insurance payments up and the policy cancels, the insurance company’s independent agent is obligated to notify the owner’s mortgage company, and they have no other option. This practice is nationwide.

All hazard insurance will cover is the replacement cost of the home if it is destroyed through any number of ways. The mortgage company wants to make sure they are going to get their money back if the home is destroyed. Hazard insurance will cover nothing else. The homeowner will have no liability coverage on the home, and no other coverage such as personal coverage and coverage of personal possessions.

If a homeowner in Lockwood, Colorado has no homeowners insurance they will need to contact an independent agent in Lockwood as soon as possible before the mortgage company adds onto your mortgage this costly insurance to payments. Your independent agent in Lockwood will take care of all your homeowner’s needs.