Nearly every state has some penalties for not having auto insurance when you are on the road, but knowing the local laws is essential. In the state of Colorado, there are some stiff penalties for driving your car without auto insurance today. Maintaining at least a minimum policy is essential because it is the law, and because it will protect you!
The State Minimum Insurance Levels in Colorado
In Colorado, a couple of types of auto insurance are required. Liability insurance is the first of these. This is the part of an auto insurance policy that covers property damage that was caused by you if you were using the vehicle in a negligent way. This could include accidents caused by you because you were speeding, because you failed to yield, or any type of damage caused by you due to driving mistakes. Liability insurance also covers bodily injury that was caused to others by your negligent driving. This is the coverage that pays for the hospital and other medical bills of anyone who was injured due to your negligent driving. In Colorado, it is required that drivers maintain $25,000 per person bodily injury up to a maximum amount of $50,000 per accident in addition to $15,000 in property damage. Colorado also requires its drivers to carry uninsured motorist coverage, which covers you in case an uninsured driver damages your vehicle. However, this is normally a part of the liability insurance. Check with your independent agent to make sure you have both types of coverage.
Penalties for Lakewood Drivers Without Insurance
In the state of Colorado, people who are driving without insurance are typically issued a ticket for this offense. The state requires that offenders not only pay the ticket, but that they obtain auto insurance within a set period of time determined by the court. Offenders who get more than one citation for driving without auto insurance will be assessed higher fines and penalties, and may even have their drivers license revoked. If a person is driving without auto insurance and causes an accident, they may be sued by the accident victim in order to recover damages.
As your independent agent, we can help you to determine the right type of auto insurance coverage for you. Even though liability insurance is required and comprehensive and collision coverage are not legally required in Colorado, getting full coverage is wise because it protects not just others, but also you.