Author Archives: AgentInsure

Safety measures on Homes with a Gas Fireplace in Colorado

If you live in Lakewood, Colorado, it’s a safe assumption that you actually use that gas fireplace that came with your home. Chilly nights and snowy days can be great times to have a fire going in the background. It helps to keep the room warmer, but it also provides a great, cozy feel to the house. While you’re using that fireplace, though, you need to think about the safety measures you’ve got in place. Without the ability to be safe and careful, you could be risking your home. Fortunately, gas fireplace safety is not terribly complicated.

First, make sure you don’t use the fireplace when no one’s around. In other words, it should be attended, and people should be in the room. It’s one thing to leave the room to get a drink of water, but another thing entirely to go out for a few hours and leave the fireplace running. You should also be aware of any strange smells coming from your fireplace. While gas is odorless, many companies add a chemical to it that you can smell. If you suspect a leak of any kind, turn off your fireplace, leave the house, and call the gas company.

If you’re not sure how much that gas fireplace will cost you on your home insurance, come in and talk with us about the policy you have or want. It’s possible that you won’t be paying very much extra, depending on the age of the fireplace, how it was installed, and other factors. We can provide you with quotes from several different companies, but we’ll also be able to help you with safety tips if your fireplace isn’t up to the current code. The best thing to do is to have your gas fireplace checked thoroughly when you move in, and to periodically have it checked over its lifetime, just to have peace of mind.

What to do after a Winter Storm Blast in Lakewood, Colorado

The Rocky Mountain State is no stranger to snow storms. Although Colorado residents all probably have a good idea of how and when to stock up on food and blankets before a big winter storm is scheduled to hit, it’s less certain how we should respond when the storm results in damage beyond weight gain and a high heating bill. If you’re not sure what actions to take to protect your Lakewood home or vehicle, consider the following helpful tips.

1. Record the Damage

Thanks to modern technology, essentially everyone can make a substantial record of any home or car damage right after it happens. These records can act as evidence for your insurance company in the event that you will need to file a claim to receive compensation for the damage. Make sure to take multiple pictures of your home and car– remembering to account for the roof, engine and other less obvious areas as well.

2. Immediately Contact Your Insurance Provider

There are probably a million other things you’d rather do instead of sorting out the logistics with your insurance provider, but it’s important that you get this out of the way as soon as possible. The sooner you file your claim, the more likely you are to be approved and the quicker you’ll receive your compensation.

3. Take Precautions for Next Time

When you file a claim, your insurance rate will go up, but you can still cut costs by taking precautions for next time. For example, you can prepare your Colorado home by repairing roof leaks, installing new insulation and cutting away tree branches that could potentially fall on your home during a storm. You can protect your vehicle by having a covered port or garage installed or simply investing in a full body cover.

Our Lakewood independent insurance agents are here to help you acquire the best price for your coverage needs, so feel free to contact us for a personalized quote and professional advice today.

Tips on How to Prepare for Driving in Bad Weather Conditions in Lakewood, Colorado

Being prepared for driving in bad weather will help you avoid an accident. Have regular car maintenance performed to catch problems before they become serious. Always allow yourself enough time to reach your destination. In addition, follow these tips for safety in bad weather.


The condition of your tires can make a significant difference in how safely your car handles bad weather conditions. Snow and ice in the winter can make driving treacherous. Heavy rains can cause your car to hydroplane. Your tires need to have adequate tread depth to grip the road.

In general any less than 1/16 inch of tread is insufficient. Many professionals recommend no less than 1/8 inch. Some areas of Colorado will require chains in the winter. Carry a set in your trunk to use when needed.

Wiper blades

Check your wiper blades to ensure they operate correctly. Make sure the rubber fully contacts the windshield surface without leaving streaks or gaps. If you cannot see the road in front of you, you cannot avoid danger. Periodically check the level of wiper fluid in the reservoir. Carry a small container in your trunk in case you run low due to heavy road salt.

While Lakewood, and the rest of Jefferson County, can experience extreme winters, the summer can have very hot days. Heat can be damaging to the materials in windshield wiper blades. Take the time to inspect your blades before the heavy spring rains and again before winter.

As your independent agent in the Lakewood, Colorado area, we want you to prepare and stay safe on the road. Remember that you should check your insurance coverage each year to keep it up to date. Give us a call, we can provide you with competitive quotes to ensure you have the right insurance at the best possible prices.

The Facts on Collision Coverage for Drivers in Colorado

Collision coverage is optional for Colorado drivers. However, each driver should carefully consider the facts about collision coverage to decide whether or not he is likely to benefit from purchasing it. Although it can seem like opting out will keep your expenses lower by minimizing your monthly insurance bill, it does not necessarily save you money over time.

Collision Coverage Uses

Collision insurance covers the damage to your vehicle that could result from an accident with another car or from hitting an object. Drivers who need to repair or replace their cars after such an incident may rely on their collision coverage.

It’s an unfortunate fact that not all drivers obey Colorado law. Some don’t carry liability coverage even though it is required by law, and others may participate in hit and runs. If you’re in an accident in which you are not at fault, but the other driver does not have insurance that covers damage to your car or the other driver cannot be identified, your collision coverage could come into play and cover your repairs.

What to Consider When Making Insurance Buying Decisions

If you are still in the process of purchasing your car by paying off a loan, your lender can require that you have collision insurance. This is a common requirement as lenders want to protect their investments and avoid suffering from losses if the items securing the loans are damaged. Although collision insurance is not required by law, it can be required by your lender. This is an agreement that you should honor, and one that benefits you as well. You don’t want to find yourself in a situation where you are still paying off a loan for a vehicle you are unable to drive.

If you own your car, then you should consider your vehicle’s value, your financial situation and other considerations in order to decide if collision coverage is right for you. Vehicle owners whose car carries a high value are more likely to opt in to collision coverage than those whose vehicle is an older model with a lesser value. Contact us today and an independent agent in Lakewood will help you evaluate your needs and determine of collision coverage is right for you.

Penalities for not having Auto Insurance in Lakewood, Colorado

Nearly every state has some penalties for not having auto insurance when you are on the road, but knowing the local laws is essential. In the state of Colorado, there are some stiff penalties for driving your car without auto insurance today. Maintaining at least a minimum policy is essential because it is the law, and because it will protect you!

The State Minimum Insurance Levels in Colorado

In Colorado, a couple of types of auto insurance are required. Liability insurance is the first of these. This is the part of an auto insurance policy that covers property damage that was caused by you if you were using the vehicle in a negligent way. This could include accidents caused by you because you were speeding, because you failed to yield, or any type of damage caused by you due to driving mistakes. Liability insurance also covers bodily injury that was caused to others by your negligent driving. This is the coverage that pays for the hospital and other medical bills of anyone who was injured due to your negligent driving. In Colorado, it is required that drivers maintain $25,000 per person bodily injury up to a maximum amount of $50,000 per accident in addition to $15,000 in property damage. Colorado also requires its drivers to carry uninsured motorist coverage, which covers you in case an uninsured driver damages your vehicle. However, this is normally a part of the liability insurance. Check with your independent agent to make sure you have both types of coverage.

Penalties for Lakewood Drivers Without Insurance

In the state of Colorado, people who are driving without insurance are typically issued a ticket for this offense. The state requires that offenders not only pay the ticket, but that they obtain auto insurance within a set period of time determined by the court. Offenders who get more than one citation for driving without auto insurance will be assessed higher fines and penalties, and may even have their drivers license revoked. If a person is driving without auto insurance and causes an accident, they may be sued by the accident victim in order to recover damages.

As your independent agent, we can help you to determine the right type of auto insurance coverage for you. Even though liability insurance is required and comprehensive and collision coverage are not legally required in Colorado, getting full coverage is wise because it protects not just others, but also you.

Home Insurance Tips on a Paid off home in Lakewood, Colorado

Any homeowner needs to make sure that they have adequate coverage on their home insurance policy, but how does that change if your home is paid off? If you are a Lakewood Colorado home owner and you have finally made that last payment on your house or condo — or if you are getting very close to paying it off and being debt free — it is definitely time to reconsider your home insurance needs. Here are some tips about dealing with home insurance when you own your home outright.

How Owning a Paid Off Home Changes Insurance Needs

When you own your home outright, you are more invested in it than you have ever been before. For most people, their home is the biggest asset that they have, and when the house or condo is paid off that asset needs to be protected more than it ever has before.

When you still owed money on your home, the focus of your insurance policy may have been to make sure that your coverage was sufficient to pay off your mortgage, and to rebuild a new home, in case the home was destroyed. However, once you own your home outright you will no longer have the concern about paying off the mortgage. This means that you could potentially lower the amount of home insurance that you carry — but it is vital that you discuss amounts with your independent agent before making any changes.

Now that you do own your home, it is especially important to be prepared for disaster, just in case. Carrying an insurance policy large enough to rebuild your home — or to buy a comparable new home for cash — should now be your top priority when it comes to home insurance. If something happens and your home is destroyed, or even if you suffer from a serious loss of property, you want to be able to pay for the problem to be rectified, and to remain debt free.

When you are ready to buy insurance for your paid off home, be sure to get comparison quotes from an independent agent that gives you all the info you need in one single place online. This gives you the opportunity to get the best price, while still having the coverage level you need!

What type of insurance policy do I need if I have a home based business in Colorado?

More and more people are choosing to work from a home based business in Lakewood, Colorado. The expense of commuting to and from work adds up quickly. If you have the type of job that can be worked from home, you will need to think about the type of business insurance policy you will need. A homeowners insurance plan is probably not enough.

Your first step will be talking to independent agent who can explain the basics of home business coverage. Depending on the type of business, you will probably need coverage for inventory and personal injury. If you work as a hair stylist from home, you need to make sure you are covered if someone is injured while on your property. If you sell items over the internet or through home parties, you will need coverage for your inventory and travel. As your independent agent, we can help when choosing what type of insurance you need and how much coverage is enough. She will also be able to compare quotes from several providers to find you the best deal in Lakewood, Colorado. No one wants to spend too much on insurance protection, so compare rates before purchasing a policy.

Working from home can make life much simpler. When considering this type of business, you need to make sure you cover all of your bases including your insurance needs. Often, a regular homeowners insurance plan will not cover claims incurred from a home business. You need to make sure you have the correct coverage for possible damages or losses from your home business. An insurance policy is an investment in the future of your business. Making sure you have the best coverage will help your business become the best in town.

What does Personal Injury Protection generally cover on my policy in Colorado?

In Lakewood, Colorado, personal injury protection will cover expenses caused by an accident which is the insurance holder’s fault. You should have this type of protection on both your homeowners and your automobile insurance plan. If you are ever involved in an accident, personal injury protection will help take care of medical and other expenses incurred.

Your homeowners insurance plan will help pay for personal injury expenses if someone is hurt while visiting your property. This could be a result of a cranky dog biting the neighbor, or someone attending a party who falls off the deck. Either way, as the homeowner, you could be responsible for bills from the hospital or doctor and loss of wages for the injured person. You homeowners insurance should carry enough personal injury protection to take care of all of the expenses.

An automobile insurance plan will also include personal injury protection. When an auto accident occurs this portion of your policy will take care of medical expenses incurred by the injured parties. Adequate protection is important so you don’t end up paying money out of pocket. If the accident is severe, more than one person could be injured. Your insurance should protect you even if you are sued for a large amount.

Talking with an independent agent will help you understand the personal injury portion of your insurance policy. A professional will be able to determine if you have enough coverage or if you should consider upgrading your policy. Using us as your independent agent, we can compare the rates of several companies and give you several quotes to choose from in Lakewood, Colorado. Knowing you have enough insurance to take care of expenses if you are involved in an accident will give you and your family peace of mind.

Does my Colorado homeowners insurance policy replace wood burning stoves?

It’s not just nostalgia that’s driving the increase in wood burning stove installations. Thanks to rising fuel costs, many homeowners in Lakewood and other areas throughout Colorado are turning to wood burning stoves as a cheaper source of heat during the winter months. According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the number of households using wood-fueled heating sources rose by 34 percent between 2000 and 2010, more than other types of heating fuel.

Nevertheless, many insurance agencies are reluctant to cover wood burning stoves within their policies. This is usually due to the elevated fire risk that comes with a stove installation. You’ll want to find out if you’re covered before installing your own unit, as well as whether you can have a damaged unit replaced at minimum cost.

Is Replacement in the Cards?

A good homeowner’s insurance policy lets you supplement your current form of heating with a traditional wood burning unit. Nevertheless, there are plenty of companies that prefer their customers refrain from using these devices, usually for safety and liability concerns.

Seeing if your Colorado homeowner’s insurance policy covers wood burning stoves is as simple as reading your policy’s fine print or better still, talking to your independent agent. In many cases, your homeowner’s insurance policy will not only cover fire damage stemming from wood burning stoves, but also replace the actual damaged units, as well. Always keep in mind that replacement policies can vary between insurers

Your insurance company may want proof of certification from a professional installer that your new stove was installed properly. In addition, you’ll also want to ask your independent agent how your premiums might be altered by installing a wood stove. Fires are commonly started by flying embers landing on carpets and upholstery, so it pays to have your stove surrounded by as much tile and ceramic as possible.

Steps on Reporting Hail damage to my car and home in Colorado

People in Lakewood, Colorado often cringe when there are reports of thunderstorms and possible hail in their local area. If the storm is severe and the hail is large, it can cause extensive damage to both your car and your home. No one wants to look out the window and see dents all over their beloved vehicle or notice leaks from a damaged roof. Before a disaster like this happens, make sure you have talked with an independent agent about your home and auto insurance to make sure you are covered for hail damage.

There are some simple steps you should take if you are a victim of hail damage to your home and car. First, you should report the damage as soon as you notice it. Often there is a time limit for reporting hail damage so the insurance company can check other reports in your area. Second, you may want to take photographs of the damage. Although you still may be able to drive your vehicle, take pictures of the dents so you can show the insurance agent. If there is damage to your home, you will want to take pictures of this also. Often hail will damage the roofing material of your home. Check for leaks and make sure all of your belongings are safe from water damage.

As a local independent agent, we can help you find an affordable insurance plan that will cover hail damage to your home or vehicle. We are able to compare quotes from several different companies and find rates to fit any budget. If you experience damage from hail, you need to get the repairs made quickly. You should never be without reliable insurance coverage in Lakewood, Colorado. Take the time to call us today.