Author Archives: AgentInsure

Are there any limits on valuables such as computers or jewelry in my home policy in Lakewood, CO?

When you have a home insurance policy in a place like Lakewood, Colorado, you think of that policy as covering everything that’s inside your home, along with the actual structure. However, it’s very important that you look carefully at the coverage you have. It may not be what you think it is, and there could be strict limits on how much reimbursement you can receive for damage or loss of valuables, jewelry, and computers. You don’t want to end up losing out on something you can’t afford to replace.

Rather than take that risk, come see us. As an independent agent, we can provide you with quotes from multiple insurance companies. That will allow you to choose the coverage you like and avoid anything that isn’t going to benefit you. It’s not necessary to pay too much to get a good insurance policy, and it helps to have an agent on your side. Let us find what works for you. Be sure you’re up front about your computers, jewelry, or other valuables, in case the standard protection for them is not enough. Often, extra coverage can be added.

Increasing your home insurance policy amounts will raise your premiums, but usually not by a large amount. It’s much better to pay a few extra dollars a year to cover everything you have than realize you don’t have enough coverage when you need it. Each insurance company can set its own standard limits, so you may be able to find the right home insurance policy without needing extra coverage for certain items in your house. We’ll help you compare prices and amounts, so you can have the peace of mind that comes with knowing you have the right insurance for a good price.

Colorado Drivers: How Car Insurance Claims Can Affect an Auto Insurance Policy

Good drivers pay less for their insurance coverage than drivers who have tickets and accidents on their record. That just makes sense, because it rewards people who are less risk to the insurance company. That doesn’t mean that people who have claims can’t get insurance in Colorado, though, or that they’re going to be asked to be pay exorbitant fees for minor infractions. Their auto policy will depend on more than if they’re made a claim. What kind of car they drive, how much, their age, and other factors will all play a role.

As an independent agent, we can help you find the coverage you need, even if you’ve had a claim. Come on into our Lakewood office and talk to us about your needs and your concerns. Even good drivers make mistakes, and a claim is not the end of the world. Depending on what the claim was for and how long ago it took place, the amount you’ll have to pay for that based on higher premiums may be minimal. Overall, there are plenty of things that can make your car insurance rates go up or down, and claims are only a part of that.

Of course, multiple claims (especially serious ones) in a short amount of time can get your insurance canceled, and that can mean you’ll have a hard time getting coverage with another company. Consider that carefully if you have reckless behavior behind the wheel. Driving without insurance is illegal, and the damage it can do to you and others is absolutely not worth the risk. Even if you’re really concerned about past claims and how much insurance is going to cost you, don’t despair. Come in and talk to us and make sure you know all your options. We can help you make a good decision about the right insurance for you.

What you need to know about Property Damage Insurance Claims in Colorado

Filing an insurance claim in Lakewood, Colorado can be a complicated and time-consuming logistical process, but it’s the first step to making sure you get the compensation you deserve. To take the most hassle-free approach to this process, simple follow these three steps.

1. Assess the Damage

Make sure to fully examine the damage done to your property right after it occurs. Make records of the damage by taking pictures, recording videos and jotting down relevant notes. If the damage is especially serious, consider hiring a professional to attest that it was in fact caused by a natural disaster, falling branch or other qualifying incident.

2. Review Your Policy

You’ll want to make sure that your insurance policy explicitly offers coverage for the damage to your Lakewood home. Carefully read through your policy and call your insurance provider to determine whether or not you’re covered. You want to be as sure as possible before filing a claim, since rejected claims can negatively impact your record.

3. Have a Plan B

Your insurance company can take anywhere from a few months to a few years to fully resolve your claim depending on your loss and a number of additional factors. These factors might include: limits in your policy, the procedure of your insurance provider, the amount of damage, type of damage, the time it takes to gather all necessary documents, and so on. Basically, this means that you’ll want to have a Plan B in case your Colorado insurance provider doesn’t respond to your claims as quickly as you’d like.

When dealing with the demands of filing an insurance claim, remember that the bright side of this situation is that you have insurance coverage at all. Many Lakewood homeowners are left to foot the bill for unexpected damages, so having the ability to file claims for property damage makes your situation as ideal as possible. To discuss your options for insurance coverage, be sure to contact one of our independent agents for day for expert, personalized advice.

New Colorado Home Buyers: Things You Should to Know About Homeowners Insurance

So, you’re just getting ready to settle into your new Lakewood, Colorado home. The next step is to start looking at insurance coverage options to protect your investment. Your previous home insurance plan might not be the best fit for this new residence, so be sure to keep the following in mind when choosing the right coverage policy for your needs.

1. The Requirements of Your Loan Provider

Although Colorado law doesn’t technically require homeowners to purchase home insurance, mortgage companies likely will require you to purchase some sort of insurance to protect their investment. Talk to your loan provider before looking through coverage plans to make sure you meet at least the minimum of their requirements.

2. The Weather

Lakewood, Colorado frequently experiences snow storms, but this area isn’t really at risk for hurricanes and tropical storms. Make sure to carefully read the property damage policy of your insurance provider to be sure it covers damage caused by natural disasters that are relevant to your new location. Remember that many homeowner policies will not insure you in the event of a flood, so talk to your insurance provider about flood insurance if this is a concern.

3. Coverage for Others

Do you plan on frequently entertaining guests in your home or inviting clients over to conduct business? If so, you might want to look into liability coverage as well. Liability insurance would protect you from a lawsuit or any kind of financial responsibility in the event that someone is injured on your property.

Our independent insurance agents are dedicated to finding a plan for Lakewood residents that fits their needs and exceeds their expectations. To talk to one of our trusted and knowledgeable representatives, contact us today.

What is the Minimum Auto Coverage Requirements in Lakewood, Colorado?

Our Lakewood, Colorado insurance agents understand how difficult it can be to shop around for insurance plans that fit your needs and the state requirements. To make your research a little easier, the following list compiles the minimum auto coverage requirements for a safe and secure drive through the Rocky Mountain State:

  • $25,000 per person for bodily injury
  • $50,000 per accident for bodily injury
  • $15,000 per accident for property damage
  • $5,000 medical payments coverage (effective January 1, 2009)

Although these Lakewood auto insurance policies include the minimum coverage areas, that doesn’t mean they are the only area where drivers are at risk. Collision coverage is one such coverage option that isn’t mandatory, but highly recommended. This type of coverage would keep you financially protected in case your car needed repairs after an accident with another vehicle, wall or another object.

Colorado comprehensive coverage is another option that would keep your car protected under a variety of potential accidents, including theft, hail damage, fire, natural disasters, falling objects and so on. If you have an auto loan on your vehicle, your loan providers may require this coverage and others above the minimum for Lakewood, Colorado. Make sure to discuss this with your loan provider before committing with an insurance policy.

Thinking about short-changing the minimum? Think again! Failure to obtain the minimum insurance requirements can result in:

  • First offense- minimum fine of $500, four points added to your driving record and even suspension of your license.
  • Second offense- minimum fine of $1,000 and suspension of at least four-months.
  • Third offense- minimum fine of $1,000, community service requirement and an eight-month suspension.

Contact us to speak with an independent agent about your unique questions and concerns. We’ll work with you as long as necessary to make sure you get the coverage you need at an affordable cost.

How can a Business Owners Policy benefit my Small Business in Lakewood, Colorado?

An insurance policy for any company large or small are not about having a BOP, but are about being a responsible company owner. A company owner should never believe it is alright to operate without business insurance, no matter what size their company is.

Whether there are no employees or just a few employees, the company needs insurance protection. We are an independent agent in Lakewood, Colorado, and can help develop a plan that is right for your company and will adapt a policy to your budget.

The benefits of having a company insurance policy will help to protect your financial investment against a number of issues. Insurance will have a bearing on employees. If there is a lawsuit or liability stemming from your products or services, it will protect the company. There will be no possibilities of closing up your company due to a lawsuit.

Being able to provide an insurance package to your employees is a valuable asset, as this will attract good workers dedicated to the company. Health coverage says a lot to the employee. Health insurance will provide your company a tax credit of up to 35 percent of the cost of the premium.

Business owners must adhere to federal regulations regarding hiring practices, discrimination and sexual harassment. There are employees who would take advantage of these regulations and seek a lawsuit. A company’s insurance policy covers legal costs.

If your company has a mortgage, the financial institution may require a certain amount of insurance. If an owner does not meet these requirements, then the company can get certain fines and restrictions. Licenses are at risk for cancelation.

Call our independent agency in Lakewood, Colorado today to set up any number of insurance options, such as commercial, property, health, liability, fleet, and many other coverage are available for small business owners.

What should I look for when Purchasing Umbrella Insurance in Lakewood, Colorado?

Umbrella insurance is available as extended coverage. These days lawsuits are everywhere, and lawsuits, however ridiculous they may be are winning with enormous awards. Our independent agent in Lakewood, Colorado can help you get this added security. Policies have limits as to what they will pay. An umbrella will extend those benefits and pay over what the policy pays. Automobile, homeowners, business, and watercraft policies all have limited protection on liability.

Accidents do happen, and no matter how careful you are, the accident may be your fault. If the accident is serious, you could be looking at a lawsuit. If found guilty for negligence, related to your accident, you could face a liability taking all your assets, if you do not have the correct benefits. As soon as your primary insurance has paid up to its limits, this extension will take over.

If you want this coverage added for your full security, make sure the benefits include certain coverage in the policy.

Look for benefits in this extended policy covering medical bills for the injured person, lost wages and any rehabilitative therapy care needed. Make sure that your benefits pay for legal defense and legal bills. This should include property damages. If your accident causes the injured permanent disability, your company may be appointed to pay for life.

Do not be caught in a situation, only to find out you do not have sufficient benefits to cover the unfortunate situation. You could find yourself in a lawsuit, all of your personal assets could be frozen and awarded, if you do not have the right coverage.

Umbrellas are inexpensive to get for what they provide in return. This liability benefit will protect personal activities throughout America and anywhere overseas. It is difficult to understand why people are not purchasing these benefits. Our independent agent believes it may be a lack of knowledge. Call our independent agent in Lakewood, Colorado today to help you secure your future.

Does High Mileage Affect Auto Insurance Rates in Colorado?

How many miles are on your vehicle is something your insurance company will probably ask you, but what’s even more important is how many miles you’ll be putting on your vehicle each year. High mileage will cost you more when you buy coverage in Lakewood, because the more you drive the higher the chance you’ll have an accident. All Colorado companies are concerned about this, and their concern will be reflected in your auto rates. That doesn’t mean you should lie about your driving, though, because that could get you into big trouble if you need to make a claim.

An older car can save you a lot of money if you’re going to be driving it frequently. The older the car the less it typically costs to insure it. Most older cars also don’t need collision insurance, because of their low replacement value. If you have only the minimum coverage on a car, you’ll pay a lot less for your insurance – even if you drive a lot of miles each year. The more insurance you have, the newer the car, and the more miles you put on it, the higher rates you’ll pay.

No matter what kind of car you have and how much you drive it, come in and see us. As an independent agent, we work with a lot of different companies and can help you find the best insurance option for you and your vehicle. High mileage is going to cost you more, but it doesn’t have to break the bank when it comes to covering your car. Just be sure that you work with us, since we know what questions to ask and how to find you the lowest rate while still being sure that you have all the coverage you need. That can provide you with great peace of mind, as well as a great policy.

Does my Homeowners Insurance Cover my Belongings in Storage in Colorado?

If you’re moving or remodeling, or if you just have too many things in and around your home, you might want to put some of your things in storage. One of the items the storage company may offer you is insurance. Do you need it? Well, that depends. Instead of automatically taking that storage insurance (and paying extra for it), make sure you stop in and talk to us. We can help you determine if your homeowners coverage is enough to protect your stored belongings, or if your policy isn’t designed for that.

Whether you’re putting them in storage in Lakewood, Colorado or somewhere else might also matter, and you don’t want to end up with unprotected furniture and other items because of limits on your homeowners policy. Finding out what kind of coverage you have ahead of time is a much better way to protect anything you own, since you’ll know whether you need the storage company’s insurance before you arrive with your belongings. You may also be able to get a temporary rider on your insurance policy that covers items that are stored off-site.

Some policies have restrictions as to how things can be stored, so make sure you choose your Lakewood facility wisely. You’ll want a storage company that is secure, and that protects your belongings properly. We can help you answer any questions about what your policy covers and how your belongings must be secured, so you’ll have peace of mind. Short-term or long-term storage issues can be addressed, and it’s very important that you get the type of coverage that will protect you and your belongings, no matter where they are. Let us help you locate the perfect policy. As an independent agent, we handle multiple companies and know what questions to ask to make sure the policy you get is the right one for you.

Are you covered for Natural Disaster Insurance in Lakewood, Colorado?

No matter where you live, natural disaster can occur without warning. Your Lakewood, Colorado homeowner’s insurance should cover most disaster damage to your home. However, there may be some events that are not covered by your policy. You should also ensure that you have enough insurance to meet your current needs.

Normal coverage

Damage to your property due to storms, tornados, wildfires and hurricanes is normally covered. The important issue to keep in mind is the amount of coverage your policy provides. If your home has been increasing in value, or you have made improvements, you may need to increase the dollar amount of your coverage. If you are a renter, you need your own renter’s policy. While the owner’s insurance covers their property, it will not cover your possessions.


Water damage to your home will be covered for roofing leaks, broken windows and most plumbing problems. You should check your policy to determine if damage from breaks in sewer or main lines outside your home is covered.

Water damage that is cause by a flood is not. Flood coverage must be purchased separately. You need to determine if you are in an area considered a flood zone. Keep in mind that these zones can change; you should check the information yearly.


If your home is damaged from an earthquake, the event is not normally covered under a basic policy. If you live in an area that could be affected by earth movement, consider purchasing a separate policy or add an endorsement to your current insurance.

We are your independent agent for the Lakewood, Colorado area. Contact us today; we can go over your homeowner’s insurance with you to make sure you are fully covered for any natural disaster. We will also make sure that the amount of coverage you have meets your current value needs.