Author Archives: AgentInsure

Are Dwelling and attached structures included in home insurance policy in Lakewood, Colorado?

When you purchase a home in Lakewood, Colorado, you want to make sure you also purchase a home insurance policy that covers your dwelling and attached structures as well as the contents of your home and liability against any claims that may be filed against you.

Included in any standard home insurance policy in Lakewood, Colorado, is dwelling and attached structures coverage. The dwelling is your main home and attached structures are any additions such as a porch or screened in patio that are built on the same foundation as your dwelling.

If your home or the attached structures to your dwelling are damaged by a covered peril in your homeowners policy, you can file a claim and receive compensation for repairs or replacement.

As a homeowner, you should be aware of the limitations of your insurance coverage. You may have a deductible to first meet before you can receive any money for a claim. You may also be improperly insured if you do not have replacement cost coverage because, like almost everything else, your home depreciates in value and it costs more to repair and replace everything.

Another concern that you should address when reviewing your dwelling coverage is for other structures that are not attached to your house. Generally speaking, any structure that is not built on the same foundation as your main dwelling is considered to be a detached structure.

Most Lakewood Colorado home insurance policies will provide coverage for structures that are not attached in the amount of 10 percent of the coverage on the dwelling. For instance, if you have $100,000 of coverage on your dwelling, other structures like a detached garage, storage shed, or retaining wall, will have a combined coverage of $10,000.

As your independent agent, we would advise you to come in for a review of your home policy to see if you have the right amount of protection for your dwelling and all other structures on your property. If need be, you can pay a little extra to increase the amount of coverage for your separate structures.

In Lakewood, Colorado, what is a guaranteed replacement cost clause?

We all remember the destructive fires that swept through Colorado and swallowed up everything in their path, including some very nice homes. While you may not have been personally affected in your Lakewood Colorado, there is always the threat of a fire or some other major destructive force, leveling your house to the ground.

While it is highly improbable that you will ever suffer a complete loss of your home and have to rebuild from the ground up, it is always good to be prepared for the worst and hope for the best. As your independent agent, we suggest that you thoroughly review your home insurance policy, or if you feel more comfortable, you can call our office and have an independent agent review your policy for you.

One of the most important things to look for is whether or not you have a guaranteed replacement cost clause included in your home insurance policy. A guaranteed replacement cost clause is important because it will pay as much as necessary to rebuild your home, even if the amount is greater than what the market value was before the home was destroyed.

There are a few things to look out for, even if you have guaranteed replacement cost insurance. First, if your home was destroyed in a fire and you decide it is safer to build on another lot away from the forest, you may not get as much as you need to rebuild the home in another location. Some insurance companies will claim that they do not insure for the cost of the land and a similar house built in another neighborhood may wind up costing you a lot of money out-of-pocket.

The second thing to be aware of is that there may be new building codes that require better materials and more permits before construction can be started. This is another area where your insurance company might insist that you bear those additional costs.

Losing your home to a disaster is hard enough without having to fight with your insurance company. Remember, as your independent agent, we are always here to help you get through a tough time dealing with your insurance company.

Insurance for Farm house

If you own a farm house in or around Lakewood, Colorado, you know you need to have insurance on it to protect yourself. If you’re using the house for a small business, having the right coverage is even more important. Commercial insurance may be required, depending on the type of business you’re operating. As an independent agent, we can help you sort out exactly what coverage you need and which company would be best for you. It’s important not to overpay, but you also want to focus on getting a good value for your money.

Consider the kind of business you’re planning to operate. If you work online only, doing things like graphic design or writing, you most likely don’t need to have a commercial policy. However, if you have customers and clients coming to your home and you’re operating any type of store or service facility from that home, you’ll want to make sure you have a commercial policy in place. This will protect you from issues like lawsuits if a customer slips, falls, or otherwise gets hurt on your property. While it won’t stop a person from suing you, it will stop you from being financially ruined by a lawsuit or other request for compensation from an injured patron.

Your standard homeowners policy isn’t set up to protect you and your property and finances from that kind of problem. By working with us, you can find out for sure if you need a commercial insurance policy for your farm house, so you’ll have proper protection and also peace of mind. Then you can relax and enjoy the beautiful area around Lakewood without fears over financial risk.

Is comprehensive and third party coverage an add-on to an auto insurance policy in Lakewood, Colorado?

When your friend asks to borrow your car, you better think twice before lending him or her keys. If your friend gets into an accident as a third party driver, he or she may be covered under your auto insurance, but, you may suffer some serious and expensive consequences.

In Lakewood, Colorado, comprehensive and third party coverage is not considered an add-on to an auto insurance policy. Well, in one sense, you might consider it an add-on if you are not required to carry anything more than the Colorado mandated liability coverage for your car.

When you purchase full coverage, you normally get collision and comprehensive coverage. You can enhance that basic coverage with add-on coverage like road hazard insurance or car rental reimbursement, but third party and comprehensive do not fit neatly under the category of being an add-on.

If you look at your Colorado car insurance policy, you will see a page listing exactly what is covered and in one amount. Everything is broken down so you know how much you are paying for bodily injury and property damage liability. You can see how much it costs you for protection against theft, vandalism and damage to your vehicle by finding the listing for comprehensive coverage. Everything, from the $12 or so you might pay for rental coverage, to the $400 you might pay for collision coverage is itemized separately.

Most policies cover third party drivers like your friend. However, you are ultimately responsible for any claims that exceed the limits of your policy. Furthermore, if your friend gets into an accident, that will reflect negatively on your driver’s record and could lead to higher premiums when you need to renew your auto insurance.

As your independent agent, we advise you to be very careful about lending your car to a third party. While it is great to be a friend and a nice guy, when something happens, you will probably wind up standing alone and bearing the brunt of the financial responsibility.

Will my auto insurance cover damages to a third party in Lakewood, Colorado?

When you are talking about auto insurance in Lakewood, Colorado, you could think of the term "third party" in two different ways. Most commonly when you ask if your auto insurance will cover damages to a third party, you are referring to a situation where the third party is someone that you agreed to loan your car to and that person was driving and got into an accident.

In the case where you mean that you were driving and got into an accident with another car, causing damages to someone or some other property that was not in either vehicle, your auto insurance liability coverage will cover damages to that third party, provided the accident was found to be your fault.

That all sounds very confusing and it is a little confusing because of the ambiguity of the term "third party." An example might help to clear up the confusion. Suppose you are driving down the street in Lakewood and you slam into another car. The accident was obviously your fault and you would have liability for damages and any injuries to the car and individual driving the car that you hit.

Well what happens if the skis on top of your car fly off and go sailing through the window of a small shop that just happened to be next to the spot where the accident occurred? The shop owner is an innocent third party and your auto insurance would pay to have the shopkeeper’s window replaced and for any other damage directly related to the accident you were responsible for causing.

As your independent agent, here in Lakewood Colorado, we see this type of thing happen on occasion. It is not unexpected, but it is unusual. If you would like to know more about third party drivers or innocent third party bystanders and how your auto insurance carrier deals with claims involving them, give us a call and an independent agent will give you a complete explanation.

Does Homeowner’s Policy in Lakewood, Colorado, Pay for Mold Damages?

Mold can be devastating. It often grows undetected by homeowners for long periods of time. Once it is found, it is hard to contain and clean up can be very expensive. Yet, for people in the Lakewood, Colorado area, there could be help available.

Is Your Homeowner’s Policy Going to Cover It?

There isn’t a clear answer as to whether or not your insurance policy will pay for mold in your home. Generally, this depends on what caused the mold in the first place. Generally, some policies provide coverage but only for those instances in which the mold is caused by a covered type of water damage.

Most policies do not cover any type of maintenance problem that could bring on the mold. For example, water leaking from a faucet is not likely covered. Most policies also exclude any mold that is the result of a flood, especially if you do not have flood insurance specifically.

On the other hand, mold that occurs as the result of a fire (and the water used to put it out by firefighters) this type of coverage may apply. The key here is to talk directly to your insurance carrier to determine if it is included in your policy. Even in some non-maintenance instances, mold damage may be specifically written as a non-covered event in your policy.

Not Sure If Your Policy Is Effective for Damages?

Let our independent agent help you to find out what is covered and what you may need additional protection from right now. You can use our comparative analysis tool to help find available policies for your needs. In many cases, you can get quotes from multiple providers, compare them to each other, and find the one that offers the best level of protection for your home.

Will my home insurance cover my Frame house from losses caused by termites in Lakewood, Colorado?

If you have a frame house in Lakewood, Colorado, you’ll want to make sure it’s insured properly. Then you don’t have as many worries over losses caused by all kinds of problems that could occur. To cover your home the right way, you need to talk to an independent agent and get the proper insurance policy for your needs. That’s where we come in. Because we work with multiple companies, we can get you the best deal and find the policy that’s right for you.

One of the things you want to make sure your policy covers is termites. Especially with frame homes, termite damage can be a serious issue. Other wood destroying insects can also be a problem, so you’ll want to ask specifically about the types of insects and organisms you’re protected against, and under what circumstances. An independent agent like us can look for the differences between policies, so you’ll be able to choose the right one and make a knowledgeable decision.

Asking questions about the policies you’re considering provides you with a better understanding than you’d get if you purchased online without the benefit of an agent. While it’s easy to buy a policy on your own, you may find that you’ve gotten something that’s not right for you. The time to find that out isn’t when you’re trying to make a claim and being told that you’re not covered. Insurance is far too important to risk getting something that won’t fully protect your frame house from losses based on termites and other wood destroying creatures.

Is it mandatory to get an auto insurance in Lakewood, Colorado as soon as you purchase a car?

One question that has many customers searching for answers is: “Is it mandatory in Lakewood, Colorado, to get an auto insurance as soon as you purchase a car?” As an independent agent with an agency, this is something heard on a regular basis. Unfortunately, this is not a question that has a hard, fast answer.

Colorado law states that every person who registers a car must purchase and maintain insurance coverage on that car. The key word in this statement is registers. That means if you purchase an older car with the intent to work on it and maybe fix it up over a few years’ time, you may not need to purchase insurance right away.

However, it is important to remember that if you need to take that car on the road for any reason, you will need to insure it. Therefore, even if you have a classic car that you only drive to car shows, you will need to look into the insurance requirements for that as well.

Luckily, there are many affordable insurance options out there. Working with an independent agent can save you money. Our agency, for instance, will go the extra mile to research and compare rates so that you never pay more than you need to for the coverage you need. Whether you purchase basic liability insurance of full coverage, we have exactly what you need.

Remember, every insurance situation is a little bit different. If you are in or around Lakewood, Colorado, give us a call or contact us and let one of our agents work with you to determine your insurance needs.

Will my auto insurance in Lakewood, Colorado cover safety of co-passengers who are not insured on the policy?

If you’re driving an insured car and a passenger is injured, that passenger will generally be covered under your auto insurance policy. That person can also make a claim on his or her vehicle insurance policy, instead of yours. If you’re all co-passengers, you’ll need to focus on whether you’re covered under your own policy or under the policy of the driver. A co-passenger generally won’t be covered under another passenger’s policy, unless they have the same policy (such as a husband and wife or a parent and child).

Working with an independent agent like us, you can make sure you cover your car properly, and that you take into account the safety of anyone who will be riding in it. Lakewood, Colorado is a great place to live and a pretty safe place to drive, but there are always risks involved when you’re driving a car or riding in one. You want to know what your rights and liabilities are as the driver, but that’s also important when you’re a passenger. You should understand your own coverage and know when it applies, so you have knowledge of whether you’re protected as a co-passenger in another vehicle.

If you don’t work with an independent agent like us, you may not get proper protection for you and your family. It’s easy and convenient to buy insurance online without talking to anyone, but it’s hard to be sure what you’re actually getting when you do that. Come in and sit down with us, so we can provide you with some coverage options you can choose from. Then you’ll take peace of mind with you wherever you travel.

Is there a speed restriction for watercraft insurance in Lakewood, Colorado?

If you live in Lakewood, Colorado and enjoy going out on the waterways with your watercraft, make sure that you have the correct insurance first. Call your independent agent for all the particulars of good policy coverage on your watercraft for you, your guests, and others on the water in Lakewood.

You must practice good common sense and safety when in your boat and know the laws of the waterways. You must know that the first thing in practicing safety is using common sense, and making the right decisions for you and those you share the waterways. Your independent agent can help you with the right boat insurance policy.

Colorado law does not mention any set speed for your boat. What the law does say is, the boater should not operate their watercraft at a speed that is not sensible. You must keep boat speeds at a sensible speed and in line with the weather conditions at the time you are on the waterways. When your boat cannot create a wake on the water you are in a no wake zone, and the law says that your boat speed cannot be over 5 mile per hour.

According to Colorado law for water speed, your common sense would denote how fast you should (safely) run your boat. Remember to keep you, your guests and others on the water safe at all cost. Your boat insurance company is monitoring your boat safety and common sense. No accidents and claims for damages that are your fault will help to set the stage for a great insurance policy rate.

As your independent agent in Lakewood, we can help you structure a watercraft policy that will fit your needs. Contact us to speak with an independent agent today. It is important that you give us a call so that we can give you specific details for your circumstances. Remember, do not operate your boat without insurance.