A Major Cause of Bankruptcies and How Business Insurance Can Help

If you own a business in the Lakewood, CO, area, there is likely a lot on your plate. There’s payroll to meet, inventory to maintain, customers to care for, and more.

At Colling Insurance Services Inc., our commercial insurance services may not be able to help with everything, but there are times when they may save the day and your business. It can help should a customer experience a slip-and-fall or a fire, and it may even help cover the loss of income following a covered calamity.

Commercial insurance from Colling Insurance Services Inc. may even help protect you from theft, one of the biggest causes of small business bankruptcy.

Protecting Your Business from Theft

While commercial insurance can’t necessarily prevent theft, it can help cover your financial losses should theft occur. This includes theft from outside sources, like burglary and employee theft. Let’s say, for example, overnight some evening, thieves break in and steal your computers or a significant portion of your inventory. Commercial insurance would help cover your losses. Even if the bad guys cause damage to your business, your commercial insurance can serve as a cushion.

What some don’t realize, however, is that business insurance may also help cover losses due to employee theft, whether of cash or assets. This can be important coverage, especially for companies that make frequent cash transactions.

Get a Commercial Insurance Quote Today

You work hard to ensure the success of your business every day. Please do your best to protect it with commercial insurance from Colling Insurance Services Inc., serving the Lakewood, CO, area. Let”s discuss your business and its risks, and then we can create a free, no-obligation quote. Learn more about how business insurance can help keep your business up and running with a quote today. Call us at Colling Insurance Services Inc.