Monthly Archives: September 2024

Why Deductibles Matter in Auto Insurance

Deductibles directly influence the cost of coverage and the amount you pay in the event of an accident claim. A deductible is the upfront cost to cover the repairs before the insurance agency pays anything. Understanding how deductibles work can help you make informed decisions about your auto insurance around Lakewood, CO, and manage potential expenses more effectively. It delivers a better budget plan.

How Deductibles Affect Premiums

One of the key reasons why deductibles matter is the impact they have on your auto insurance premiums. Generally, choosing a high-rate deductible lowers your monthly or annual premium. In the underwriting process, the policyholder signs an agreement to pay the upfront cost should something happen, reducing the insurer’s financial exposure. A low deductible rate means your premium is more and the insurance company will pay more should an accident occur.

Balancing the cost of premiums and deductibles is essential for finding the right policy. A high deductible may seem appealing due to the lower premiums, but it can leave you with significant expenses if you need to file a claim.

Deductibles and Claims

When you file a claim for damage to your vehicle, your deductible determines how much you will need to pay before the insurance covers the remainder. For example, if your deductible is $1,000 and your repair costs are $2,000, you pay $1,000, and the insurer covers the balance of $1,000.

Choosing the right deductible depends on your financial situation. A higher deductible might be the right choice if you can afford higher out-of-pocket costs.

Colling Insurance Services Inc. For Better Understanding of Insurance

Colling Insurance Services Inc. offers all of the information you need to get insurance. Our agency serves the locations in and near Lakewood, CO. Contact us today.